2 mikes Jan 27, 2019 07:28

when you create a collection that menu is automatically populated with the collection name. Get rid of a collection and the menu item goes away.
Uh, yeah, I know that. But no matter what I did, site and home were always the same
There are also standalone pages in that menu so maybe your Home is one of those. They're not easy to find in the backend either.
Going to Home >> Content >> Pages, shows Collection main pages but not standalone pages. Filtering to the categories in the home collection seems to be the only way to list those. The filters are in the right sidebar.
Home collection > settings > Show in front office list : never
Man I feel really really stupid right now. I must be overthinking. Thanks so much!
OK. I gave up and did something that will come back to haunt me.
I went to "_site_body_header.inc.php"
Then to
// Display only short site name if the logo file cannot be used by some reason above:
And removed
?php echo $site_name_text; ? (And the brackets)
Poof! Gone!