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1 Nov 29, 2006 03:45    

i got this message in the bottom of every post

Notice: Undefined property: allowpingbacks in /home/funstage/public_html/blogs/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php on line 461

how to fix this?


another question, i heard that 1.9 can embed smiley in comment section, so visitor can use smiley, just like admin does in backoffice



2 Nov 29, 2006 07:25

I fixed it by deleting...

<link rel="pingback" href="<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined property:  pingback_url in <b>/home/funstage/public_html/blogs/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php</b> on line <b>461</b><br />

from your Header tags.

Pingback are now handled by a plugin.

3 Nov 29, 2006 08:04

Header tags where? on the _main.php ? i couldnt find

and i cant see smiley toolbar in when people want to post comment

4 Nov 29, 2006 08:50

To get the smilies toolbar to appear, crack open skins/<skin>/_feedback.php and find a bit that looks like this :-

		// Message field:
		$Form->textarea( 'p', $comment_content, 10, T_('Comment text'),
										T_('Allowed XHTML tags').': '.htmlspecialchars(str_replace( '><',', ', $comment_allowed_tags)), 40, 'bComment' );

and change it to look like this :-

$fred = $Plugins->get_by_code( 'b2evSmil' );
$Plugins->call_method( $fred->ID, 'AdminDisplayToolbar', $dummy_var );
		// Message field:
		$Form->textarea( 'p', $comment_content, 10, T_('Comment text'),
										T_('Allowed XHTML tags').': '.htmlspecialchars(str_replace( '><',', ', $comment_allowed_tags)), 40, 'bComment' );

echo '	<script type="text/javascript">
		// This is for toolbar plugins
		var b2evoCanvas = document.getElementById("p");


5 Nov 29, 2006 09:00


Open _main.php
From the top of the page...
Simply delete the link rel "pingback" from the opening < to it's closing />
[in RED]

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Roy Chang :: Brown and White ?</title>
<base href="" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE" />
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
<meta name="generator" content="b2evolution 1.9-beta" /> <!-- Please leave this for stats -->
<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RDF" href=";tempskin=_rdf" />
<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS .92" href=";tempskin=_rss" />
<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS 2.0" href=";tempskin=_rss2" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href=";tempskin=_atom" />

<link rel="pingback" href="blahblahblah" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="print.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="crystalglass.css" type="text/css" />

6 Nov 29, 2006 13:10

thanks a lot guys... im trying now :) get back to u soon

7 Nov 29, 2006 13:17

my _feedback.php in my skin only like this, and i cant find the words u told me

	 * This is the template that displays the feedback for a post
	 * (comments, trackbak, pingback...)
	 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
	 * It is meant to be called by an include in the _main.php template.
	 * To display a feedback, you should call a stub AND pass the right parameters
	 * For example: /blogs/index.php?p=1&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
	 * Note: don't code this URL by hand, use the template functions to generate it!
	 * b2evolution - {@link}
	 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
	 * @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
	 * @package evoskins
	 * @subpackage custom
	if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

	 * We now call the default feedback handler...
	 * However you can replace this file with the full handler (in /blogs) and customize it!
	require get_path('skins').'_feedback.php';

and i delete the <link rel="pingback" href="blahblahblah" />

but the error message still there :( any help further?

8 Nov 29, 2006 13:27

You need to either copy /skins/_feeback.php into /skins/<skin>/ or make the changes to /skins/_feedback.php


9 Nov 29, 2006 13:39

Ok, i manage to put the smiley, thanks ¥åßßå

and i manage to remove the error in _main.php, BUT i delete this code also

if ( get_bloginfo( 'allowpingbacks' ) == 1 ) {
	$disp_pingbacks = 1; // Display pingbacks if requested
	} else {
	$disp_pingbacks = 0;

is it ok i delete that code? but the error message gon after i delete those

now the other problem, the error message in the _main.php also happend in _feedback.php, which part should i delete?

11 Nov 29, 2006 14:21

I follow your instruction, and now i got this error

"Notice: Undefined variable: disp_pingbacks in /home/funstage/public_html/blogs/skins/_feedback.php on line 72"

if( ! ($disp_comments || $disp_comment_form || $disp_trackbacks || $disp_trackback_url || $disp_pingbacks ) ) 
{  // Nothing more to do.... 
return false; 

echo '<a id="feedbacks"></a>';

$type_list = array();
$disp_title = array();
if( $disp_comments )
{	// We requested to display comments
	if( $Item->can_see_comments() )
	{ // User can see a comments
		$type_list[] = "'comment'";
		$disp_title[] = T_("Comments");
	{ // Use cannot see comments
		$disp_comments = false;
	echo '<a id="comments"></a>';
if( $disp_trackbacks )
	$type_list[] = "'trackback'";
	$disp_title[] = T_("Trackbacks");
	echo '<a id="trackbacks"></a>';
if( $disp_pingbacks )
{  ---------------------------------------------------------- LINE 72 
	$type_list[] = "'pingback'";
	$disp_title[] = T_("Pingbacks");
	echo '<a id="pingbacks"></a>';

12 Nov 29, 2006 14:27

If you don't use pingbacks, then add this to the top of _feedback.php ( after <?php )

$disp_pingbacks = 0;


13 Nov 29, 2006 15:17

THANKS ¥åßßå


14 Jan 05, 2007 11:42

I'm getting the following error when i follow a <--More--> link:

Notice: Undefined property: allowpingbacks in /data/members/paid/h/u/ on line 461

on version 1.9.1beta. I deleted the linkrel from my skin AND added the $disp_pingbacks = 0; to _feedback.php

16 Apr 30, 2007 04:34

I am having the same problem mentioned. I have removed the portion suggested from my _main header. I don't have any of the appropriate text in my _feedback file to delete, so I can't seem to get rid of error messages. I use a custom skin and have removed all mentions of pingbacks from the _main file. Any other ideas since the _feedback file seems to be different?

I just upgraded to 1.9.3.

18 Apr 30, 2007 23:50

that worked like a charm! thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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