2 afwas Jul 25, 2007 23:28

Thanks for your reply. I am still on version 0.9.1. I should upgrade soon (hopefully) :roll:
I found in another topic, how to add the author to the title:
<title><?php $Item->title( '', '', false, 'xml' ); echo " - ", the_author_id(); ?></title>
Added this line in xmlsrv/rss2.php and it works... not exactly what I wanted but it's fine.
The feeds are created as a skin. For rss2 it's the ../blog/skins/rss2/ folder. If you want to edit something, this is the place.
The author is already there (don't you get the author in you feedreader? What B2evolution version are you using?)
This code is from B2evo version 1.10.
Good luck