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1 Aug 14, 2007 15:54    

I have version 1.93 and am using Firefox.

Hello, I'm a teacher and I'm fairly new to blogging. I have set up and run my own blog site, but now I'd like to do something more ambitious.

My goal is to have a blog space where each of my students has his or her own blog and can share and comment on other students' writing within this space.

I have set up my b2evolution blog, and it is working for the most part, but I can't figure 2 things out.

1. I installed the plug-in that is supposed to give new users a new blog, but it doesn't seem to be working.

2. I don't see a place for new users to register. I have to add them through the admin. control panel. I can add them manually and give each person his or her own blog, but that would take hours and hours.

Is there a way for new users to register themselves and start up their own blogs... and then have those blogs automatically appear on a bloglist page so that other students can see all the blogs within a space?

Thanks for any ideas. I have been reading the forums here and looking at FAQs, but I haven't found anything directly explaining this. I'll keep looking.


3 Aug 14, 2007 17:56

I have no "settings" tab, as it is... there is a "blog settings" tab, but under the general tab inside of there there is no place to set the user registration/log in.


I also tried to update my blog to the latest version 1.10, but I can't get it to install because it won't let me get to mysql server... no idea.


I'm struggling.

4 Aug 14, 2007 18:36

Sorry for the tab name.
I use French version and I tried to translate the tab name when I wrote the message.

When you say " it won't let me get to mysql server", what is exactly the problem ?

5 Aug 14, 2007 19:14

The name of the tab was no problem, but I still don't see place to allow users to register. There is no option that I can see.

The MySQL thing... hmm...

I have tried every combination of username and password...I've tried every name of every mysql folder on my server. I don't know if it's a server-side issue (some kind of firewall preventing access) or if it's a user (me) issue. I don't know if I should change "localhost" to some other address to get to the server.

It's confusing.

I use bluehost, and it does an auto install of b2evolution. However, the auto install is the 1.93 version, and I wanted to update it.

Thanks for replying. It's good to know someone is paying attention.

6 Aug 14, 2007 19:16

I found it under the APP Settings :) I can't believe I missed that.


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