2 afwas Aug 19, 2007 00:28

This will take you to my page
After a day of working on it, I have made it worse.
Now I get the message"Please, do not access this page directly." when I try to access the linkblog, instead of just when I try to see last comments.
Anybody got any ideas?
Hi jfeia,
I had a good look at your site and I found some issues. But I didn't find anything that to my knowledge would explain the error: Please, do not access this page directly. Then perhaps the errors dissapears into thin air if you check these points:
a) the link of the 'comments' is http://feiapage.com//index.php?disp=comments. There is an obvious error: the // after feiapage.com. I think this comes from the setting in the backoffice -> Blog settings -> URL where you started the link with a /(slash) .
b) The h*tp://feiapage.com/ and h*tp://www.feiapage.com are two different URL's but your host can point both to the same directory. You are better off if you keep the same URL. Check the setting for $base_url in ../conf/_basic_conf.php (Note: It might also be that the second slash / is accidentaly placed there). The $base_url should end with one slash, not two.)
c) How did you set up your blog? It is one bog, but at one point I even considered you had two installs. I don't seem to be able to return from blog 3/4 (Student work - Class Links) to blog 1/2 (main blog + linkblog)
d) In student work in the sidebar there is the linkblog from blog 2 appearing. You probably didn't intend to have that blog there in that way. You can disable it in the backoffice under the student blog at blog settings. Learn more about the linkblog's properties [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Linkblog]here[/url].
Though I didn't give you an answer to your original question, there are some leads to make things work. It is my believe your blog will ri=un smooth once you got the basic setup corrected. You can always (re)read the pages in the [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Main_Page]manual[/url]. Don't hesitate to return to this forum if you have more questions.
Do you have a link to your blog, so we can see what is going on?
Probably something like h*tp://yourblog.com/index.php will work, or h*tp://yourblog.com/index.php?blog=2.
Good luck