2 jibberjab Sep 01, 2007 15:42

i dont remember the exact words but its with yahoo. and just now, i tried searching for my site and when it showed, i click on the "cached" and it showed
« back to results for "eezmol"
Below is a cache of http://eezmol.com/skins/eezmol_frm_city/. It's a snapshot of the page taken as our search engine crawled the Web. AND SO ON...
do you know the problem?
and also, alexa...same thing.
What happens is that the robots follow the <base url ...> in the header of the post. It is needed there for making calls to images and other files relative to the skin folder.
You now can call an image in the folder /img through img/image.gif because the base url is h*tp://yoursite/blogs/skins/YOURSKIN/ and together they make the path to the image. Often the base url is the root of the server. Not in B2evo.
You can change this behaviour of the bots through:
<meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow">
. Here the page will be indexed, but the links on the page will not. See [url=http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/meta-user.html]this external page[/url] for more info. Unfortunately that's all the links on the page and many of them you do like the bot to follow. So I don't have a solution for you.
In B2evo 1.10 you can set the robot meta tag in all your skins.
Thanks for your reply. Just last question on this, would there be a problem if I leave it as is?
karen wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Just last question on this, would there be a problem if I leave it as is?
Thanks. I'll leave it as is.
What's the exact word-for-word error you get, and which search engines give you the error?