2 afwas Sep 01, 2007 16:02

First, thanks for trying to help me, friend. Well, I made what you it suggested but the problem also persisted in skin custom. Link for blog is this: http://blog.alpladesign.com/index.php?blog=2
They give one looks at people, and see that the menu is wrong in below.
Using the link I get the error:
Notice: This domain name expired on 08/26/07 and is pending renewal or deletion
. Is it a typo in your link?
I access now and link exists: http://blog.alpladesign.com/index.php?blog=2
NOte: That word “=> Continua ...” corresponds to the command <!--more--> and is this that makes to give the error in sidebar. I do not want to leave to use <!--more--> for posts great but also I want to repair this error.
I also get the "domain expired" error.
That mystery is this? The alpladesign.com domain really died but still I am having access http://blog.alpladesign.com/index.php?blog=2
I am also making updates to see if he is cache but it is not.
They see www.psychoblog.com.br
(I go to leave the o post with the error for 30 me and later deletar it)
Your second link works.
In ../blogs/skins/YOURSKIN/ look for style.css. In it you find:
/* Styles for posts */
.bPosts {
float: left;
width: 510px;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
padding: 45px 0 0 0;
You set the width to 410px (temporarily)
Now open ../blogs/skins/YOURSKIN/_main.php and search for :
<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
You see one </div> before that line. Add two </div> there so there are three in total:
<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->
Now your blogs look fine, with the sidebar where it belongs.
Next step is getting the width of the bPosts larger. If you set it at 410, make it larger in steps until it breaks (the sidebar is at the bottom again).
Last: you can enlarge the space of the wrapper, the header and the footer to allow more vertical space (width) for both the posts and the sidebar. That requires some insight. Look everywhere in style.css for width. Especially where the width is more than 700 px.
Good luck
Afwas, you it is “the man”. Thanks a lot! It gave all certainty with the steps that you it showed.
Friend, I am so happy that if it was my sister (http://img.terra.com.br/i/2007/08/29/584572-4508-in.jpg), I would present you
It was valid!
Humm… I commemorated before the time…
Well, as I said, it gave certain the change, but it caused a small error: When click in link “more” in post, in the next page (post complete) the backgroud white does not load. You know why?
I am not able to oversee everything from here. Funny things happen: if you switch to the nifty corners skin, the sidebar is under the posts, but magic happens: if you click a <more> link within nifty corners, it works fine again.
You could compare the _main.php file from the original skin with your version and see if you can work out from the differences what may have caused the errors.
Do install (or enable) the custom skin; it's the most basic but also the most complete skin around and it often shows where a problem arises.
Good luck
Friend, the problem is that when click in link "more" in post or "next page" in the end of the page, simply in the following page the background not load (in miame_blue it is "img/bg.gif" and only load in it home of blog).
You what he is happening?
Help me.
Try to install a fresh copy of the same skin under another name in the skins directory (and make a backup of your own version). Look if the problem persists.
Then from your fresh skin make all the additions you made to the other skin (I saw some pieces of javascript and probably you entered some code for the youtube).
If you check at every step you made, you end up with a clean fresh and above all flawless skin.
Good luck
Already it had made this test before asking for to aid to this fórum. Until the version new of b2evolution I made update.
The Javascript code that you it saw is of the Google Analytics.
Probably I found the error.
Try this: in ../blogs/conf/_advanced.php from line 43 onward it reads:
// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (set in php.ini)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
// ini_set( 'memory_limit', '16M' );
Uncomment the last line (delete the slashes //) and hopefully your blog runs smooth again.
The last sentence of the <more> page was:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 19456 bytes) in /home/psychobl/public_html/inc/MODEL/sessions/_hitlist.class.php on line 146
Good attempt, friend. But I already had knowledge of the same error of memory before having problems with sidebar. I see in this fórum as it fixes bug of memory, but the priority was to solve the problem with sidebar. I made what you it wrote exactly knowing that would not solve sidebar and did not solve.
It does not give up me!
(At least now it does not go more to have messages of error of memory)
The only thing I notice but cannot explain is that the arrow -> on the first two posts is more to the left than the same arrow of other posts.
Really! This is so strange. It will be that it is related with the problem of sidebar? I do not know if aid to find the error, but it makes one month that I incapacitated HTML CHECKER therefore I was with problems to postar archives in flash.
I noticed now that when if click in "next page", ALL posts are with the arrow very the left also
Can you PM (Personal Mail, see button at the bottom of this post) me the _main.php file that you are using with the miami blue skin? You probably have to rename the file to _main.txt
I not use the function of the LINKBLOG, therefore erased these lines in _main.php:
// -------------------------- LINKBLOG INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_linkblog.php' );
// -------------------------------- END OF LINKBLOG ----------------------------------
I think that he does not have problem of I to have excluded these lines. the LINKBLOG, therefore erased these lines in _main.php.
I tried to change temporarily of skin while it appears a solution for miami_blue, but the error also persists in skin that I chose. It is clearly the problem: When if click in "more" in post lor "next page" in the end of the page, the following page opens in defect.
I am sad because mine blog is not functioning correctly. You are analyzing mine case?
I am trying to send you a corrected version of _main.php. I cannot do so through PM, will you be so kind and PM me an emailadress?
Good luck
Fatal error: Call to undefined function robots_tag() in C:\PsychoFolder\Unibratec\AppServ\www\psychoblog\skins\miami_blue\_main.php on line 55
Better upgrade to version 1.10. See the link in my signature.
You can delete line 55 in _main.php
This has got to do with the skin you are using. Try switching to the 'custom' skin. If the problem doesn't appear there, then you found the placeto look for your oddity: the skin files.
Can you remember what it is You changed in the skin, cab you provide us with a link to the site with the skin where the problem arises?
Good luck