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1 Sep 01, 2007 17:01    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Simple question really. I've been playing around with b2evolution and have it working on my site. I can't find the place to change the "custom login text."

I know it must be easy to change, but I've searched and searched without success and can't fin it. Can anyone help please? Oh, please use layman's language, I'm no expert.


2 Sep 01, 2007 17:11

/inc/MODEL/users/_user.funcs.php at approx line 126


3 Sep 01, 2007 20:22

jibberjab wrote:

/inc/MODEL/users/_user.funcs.php at approx line 126


Thanks for the advice. But it isn't really what I'm looking for. I want to change this text which comes up in GREAT BIG letters when I logout.

"CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT" I'd like to change it so something small realted to my site and I can't find it anywhere. Thanks again.


5 Sep 01, 2007 21:02

I maybe didn't explain this too well. I'll try again. Say I login as ADMIN and then logout. When I sometime later (without logging in) go to the index page to view BLOG ALL, in the right side column is the legend.


The words CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT are in HUGE letters and I'd like to change them. where do I go to do that. Thanks for all the help. I really do appreciate it.

You could visit to see what I mean.


6 Sep 01, 2007 21:20

You hit an error and the problem is you're the only one to see it. We see:


    * Login...
    * Register...

which is fine and normal.
but here might be a cause to this. The skin from the All Blog is wpc_default. Go to ../blogs/skins/wpc_default/ and open _main.php and see if there is something in or around this piece:

	<li id="other"><?php echo T_('Other'); ?>:
			user_login_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
			user_register_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
			user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
			user_logout_link( '<li>', '</li>' );

that attracts your attention, like some place where it says CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT.

Good luck

7 Sep 01, 2007 22:18

I went the files and tried looking through it and there is nothing there related to:


So I tried changing the skin to ORIGINALB2 and I get the same thing again with the other skin.


Thanks for the ideas. This is a real puzzler.


8 Sep 01, 2007 22:30

I went through all the files (meta search) and found nothing either. It looks like you got a version where a developer was working on this text. Perhaps an upgrade will do. Can't think of anything else.

9 Sep 01, 2007 22:33

On the other hand, you could try to change it back to normal in the code piece I gave in the previous post. Try:

   <li id="other"><?php echo T_('Other'); ?>:
         user_login_link( '<li>', '</li>', 'login...' );
         user_register_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
         user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
         user_logout_link( '<li>', '</li>' );

Might work.

10 Sep 01, 2007 23:23

Afwas wrote:

On the other hand, you could try to change it back to normal in the code piece I gave in the previous post. Try:

   <li id="other"><?php echo T_('Other'); ?>:
         user_login_link( '<li>', '</li>', 'login...' );
         user_register_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
         user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
         user_logout_link( '<li>', '</li>' );

Might work.

Just tried this one and I had high hopes of it working. But I'm afraid it didn't, I'm still getting the CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT in BIG letters. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm stymied, I don't want to do any more work on the program till I get this sorted out and I welcome all suggestions.


11 Sep 01, 2007 23:29

It seems to be coded you you should be able to find the text CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT somewhere in the install. Try one of the freeware mutlifile search programs. I use [url=]Total Commander[/url] where I can do a search within a directory (eg B2evolution) for a string in a file. Thats <alt><F7> and text search. But there are more and perhaps even easier programs around.

By the way, what version do you use and when did you download it?

Good luck

12 Sep 01, 2007 23:40

Bingo in blogs/skins/skinners_guide/_main.php:

	<div class="bSideItem">
		<h3><?php echo T_('Misc') ?></h3>
				 * see
				 * (*** typical behaviour of these 6 functions ***)
				user_login_link( '<li><span style="font-size:300%;">', '</span></li>', 'CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT', 'This is your custom login tooltip' ); // user_login_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
				user_register_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
				user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
				user_profile_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
				user_subs_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
				user_logout_link( '<li>', '</li>' );

Try to change the previous code I posted in:

<li id="other"><?php echo T_('Other'); ?>:
         user_login_link( '<li>', '</li>', 'login...', '' );
         user_register_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
         user_admin_link( '<li>', '</li>' );
         user_logout_link( '<li>', '</li>' );

and / or delete the hideous piece:

user_login_link( '<li><span style="font-size:300%;">', '</span></li>', 'CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT', 'This is your custom login tooltip' ); // 

Wow, font-size:300%. It is really meant to get your attention.

13 Sep 01, 2007 23:43

Afwas wrote:

It seems to be coded you you should be able to find the text CUSTOM LOGIN TEXT somewhere in the install. Try one of the freeware mutlifile search programs. I use [url=]Total Commander[/url] where I can do a search within a directory (eg B2evolution) for a string in a file. Thats <alt><F7> and text search. But there are more and perhaps even easier programs around.

By the way, what version do you use and when did you download it?

Good luck

Great Program, found it in seconds!! I love that program, Total Commander. But you are not going to believe where this text is. It's in, blogs/skins/skinners_guide/_main.php. Which I am not using. How come it's showing? on my index page? Thanks a lot, I owe you one. I'm going to investigate further and see if any blog is linked to that skin.


14 Sep 01, 2007 23:47

Dont use the skinners_guide skin at all, it's for development purposes. Use the custom skin instead.

15 Sep 01, 2007 23:53

Afwas wrote:

Dont use the skinners_guide skin at all, it's for development purposes. Use the custom skin instead.

No blogs were linked to the skinners guide skin. So I don't know how come it appeared on my index page. I just now changed the text to "Login Here" and all is well. Thanks guys!


16 Sep 02, 2007 00:02

hawkslayer wrote:

Thanks guys!


Always a pleasure.

Looking back at my responses I see I never deviated from the one piece of code where we found the problem :p

Happy blogging

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