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1 Sep 23, 2007 13:55    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I have been using B2evolution for 2 years now and everything was OK.
But I get now a error message when I try to upload picture on an article :

MySQL error!
Lost connection to MySQL server during query(Errno=2013)
Your query:
SELECT ftyp_extensions
FROM evo_filetypes
WHERE ftyp_allowed != 0

I get the same message when I try to click on the "Files" button on the menu in the admin part.

But I can save an article and all the others things seems to work properly.

I haven't changed the configurations.
I had a previous version of b2evolution and I recently upgrade to the newest one to see if it could fix he problem.

I don't know if someone have had the same problem. I try to ask my webhoster but it was of no help.

Thanks for any help

2 Sep 24, 2007 05:39

The errno 2013 is a time out and I find it very weird you only get this error with this relatively simple query.

The query is correct. Do check the database: open phpMyAdmin (through the userpages of your host), open the database _evo and click evo_filtypes in the left column. You can now explore the database. A typical line from evo_filtypes looks like:

1 | gif | GIF image | image/gif | image2.png | image | 1

If all seems correct, I advise you to try the help desk from your host again.

Until you get this working again you can upload the pictures with your favorite ftp program.

Good luck

3 Sep 24, 2007 20:10

Thanks for your help

I have tried to use the database directly from PHPmyadmin and this works perfectly. The table does not contain more than 12 values which is not much.

I was wondering if there could be another query before this one in the script which could be long and would made the system to crash around this small query.
I don't know how I could find the list of all queries executed in this script.

My webhoster tells me the timeout is after 30 seconds.

4 Sep 25, 2007 11:33

campsama wrote:

I was wondering if there could be another query before this one in the script which could be long and would made the system to crash around this small query.
I don't know how I could find the list of all queries executed in this script.

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