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1 Sep 23, 2007 15:37    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I work with disabled children and orphans in China. As a thank you to the many people that support me I would like to be able to give them and their children free blogging space, not only to say "thank you" but also to provide them a service where they can be assured that their child's blog is not going to be on the same source that might contain something offensive.

I know that e2evolution is multi-user. Does that mean each user gets his/her own account and password, and also assures me that s/he is securely away from my space?

2 Sep 24, 2007 05:54

Every user (blogger) gets his/her own username and password. You can easily set up your blog in a way they can only post in their own blogspace.

I advise you to setup and run a testblog apart from the main blog you may have running at this moment. Whatever you can imagine with multiple users and multiple blogs is possible with B2evolution, but you want to think out the structure very carefully since it is not easy to change once you have a lot of activity going on.

So just start with a few friends on a blog that is not yet public and gather information about their experiences and yours as admin. Next design your blog and open it to the public.

Some general information about setting up a new blog is [url=]here[/url] icluding a link to the autoblog plugin that may come handy,

If you have any specific questions left, do check back on this forum.

Good luck

3 Sep 24, 2007 06:49

Thanks! It lookslike b2 is the place to be! I have a couple of questions right off the bat.

Is there a plug in that will let b2 work with thumbnails? also something to let me synchronize my posts in b2 with posts on facebook and other such sites?

Is there a website that I can read that will explain what all the bells and whistles of blogging are for, i.e. rss feeds, etc? I need to start with some really simple definitions. Once I get the main idea I think I will be able to do my stuff.


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