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1 Jan 25, 2008 18:41    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I dont know why but i can't update Blacklist of spam in B2evo setting...
I've error message :

Erreur distante: No data received from server. (6)
Date de dernière mise à jour: 2000-01-01 00:00:00
Demande de la liste noire à

So i must moderate all my comment spam manually, and i've a LOT, Too many spam...

I've see the spam Karma, but it still to 0% and i dont know how to use this tool...

Do you have solution to delete a lot of comment automatiquely ??

(and what the fonction of "depreciate" button?)

Thx in advance =)

2 Jan 25, 2008 19:04

Your error means the B2evo spam server is down.
To prevent comment spam I advise you to use one or two of the plugins:
- Captcha
- reCaptcha
- Turing
For general protection you can also use the Aksimet plugin
A special plugin is made for trackbacks. You find all the plugins I mentioned in the repositories (in other words, hit the extend button on top of this page).

Unfortunately it is not possible to delete a bunch of comments in one operation.

Good luck

3 Jan 25, 2008 19:10

Ok i've allready Turing plugin but all my spam are old spam...
And with the spam filter, it is possible to delete many comment with a occurant world, but it doesnt Work anymore...


Can you explain me, what is the spam Karma, how to up the %
and what is the "depreciate" button?

Thx in advance,

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