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1 Mar 11, 2008 18:59    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I want to use the build in moblog feature of b2evo 2.4.
It took some time but thanks to this thread it works now.

But i still have to log in and start it by pressing
global settings > features > connect

why doesn't it auto-check for new mails?


2 Mar 12, 2008 00:13

I believe you will need to set up a cron job to make it automagically check, but I'm not really sure about that in 2.*. The last time I used blog by email was before 1.* happened so my info is a bit out of date ;)

3 Mar 16, 2008 21:21

So i just need to set up a cron job for blogs/cron/getmail.php ?

4 Mar 17, 2008 00:39

I'm pretty sure that's all you have to do, but it's been a long time since I used that feature and had to beat my head against the wall profusely to figure out how to make cron jobs work. Now it's available via the back office - hm!

5 Mar 20, 2008 19:02

it still doesn't work when the cron deamon or someone else is starting getmail.php it seems like b2 won't grant him to post. :-/

it only works when i'm logged in and open getmail.php manually.

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