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1 Mar 14, 2008 18:48    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.x

Instead of

is there any way to make it

I know it works as the default, but I want all the links that go back to the home page to be
the index page.

Also, I want this to be my default home page. I tried to install it in the main directory fo my site so I want to make this my default home page. How do I make it so that if someone goes to www.moneynewsweb they automatically go to the blog?

Thanks in advance.

2 Mar 14, 2008 19:18

Hi New2This,

In this post is some advise: If it doesn't work, please report back and I will have a more indepth look at the matter.

You can also move your blog to the root of the server. That involves copying all files from the /blogs/ folder to the root and change $baseurl in /conf/_basic_config.php

Lastly, you should change the url in Dashboard -> Blog settings -> URLs -> Blog base URL: Default blog in index.php

Good luck

3 Mar 15, 2008 00:26

Afwas wrote:

Hi New2This,

In this post is some advise: If it doesn't work, please report back and I will have a more indepth look at the matter.

You can also move your blog to the root of the server. That involves copying all files from the /blogs/ folder to the root and change $baseurl in /conf/_basic_config.php

Lastly, you should change the url in Dashboard -> Blog settings -> URLs -> Blog base URL: Default blog in index.php

Good luck

I chose this method and it works. Will test out some posts but it seems to be working fine.

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