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1 Mar 25, 2008 07:15    

My b2evolution Version: 241

my server offers webstatistics for each (sub)domain
it kept on reporting 404 - although myself I didn't see it
I changed the htaccess to

ErrorDocument 404 http://default blog to display

it seems to redirect correctly
is this a good solution?
is there an other way?

2 Mar 25, 2008 18:22

this is definitely not a good way !!!
the cms becomes sooooooo slow
can anyone help me to not have these 404

3 Mar 25, 2008 19:27

The best way to not have 404's is to correct the links that point to them ?

Disable your 404 redirect things and then work through your logs and see what 404's can be removed ( internal links ), and what one's need redirecting ( external links )


4 Mar 26, 2008 07:20

the 404 redirect is gone
the blogs are much faster with the b2evol htaccess
but the 404 still happens ...

I was hoping something could be changed for the better in the htaccess
f.e. in these lines

<IfModule mod_dir.c> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html </IfModule> 

or in the other lines

in the admin, the url's are all neatly set to [Extra path on index.php]
how can I improve the other settings in the blog settings:urls?


see what 404's can be removed ( internal links ), and what one's need redirecting ( external links )


5 Mar 26, 2008 10:27

internal 404's are where you have a bad link on one of your pages ( in a post etc ), in which case you edit the link to correct it

external 404's are bad links on other websites ( ie/ if I make a post and link to the wrong page on your website ), in which case you can use .htaccess to rewrite the bad link to the correct page

Without knowing what the 404's are it's pretty tough to tell you the best way to cure them


6 Apr 05, 2008 08:54

I don't know where to start with this :-/ :(
the only link I have is, I think, 'internal'
when I navigate through the few posts (it's a starting blog) - I don't have 404 errors !! ( )
these errors are reported by the web statistics service on my server !!

8 Apr 05, 2008 09:10

This is not a b2evolution problem.

Your webserver stats should tell you what page someone was looking for that generated the 404 AND what page they came from (the referer). So what you want to do is look at the referer page for a bad link, then fix the link.

9 Apr 05, 2008 10:52

venkatesaya the file you showed me in PM only showed 38 404s delivered. Personally I wouldn't worry about that tiny little bit. But if you really want to track them down you need to (a) use a stats program that will tell you the refering page - awstats does that if you have it available or (b) open up your server logs and look at them - which personally I never do because once was enough :(

By the way sometimes issues beyond your control can result in a 404 response. Stuff like the server times out due to network congestion. And the server just getting a file wrong. For example.

Anyway you've got such a tiny 404 count going on that I personally wouldn't worry about it. When I saw 1600 404s to one url I figure I should do something about it...

10 Apr 05, 2008 11:52

tanx EdB
it's just that, with a redirect to the root htaccess, on the main I have zero 404 !!!
that's what I first tried on too, but it didn't work
I was expecting some hint in the url settings
I am using extra path on index for the blog url

question: with a new post/advanced properties
what is the URL "filename": ("slug" to be used in permalinks)
how to use it correctly?
what is its importance?
what the meaning of 'slug' in b2evol?

11 Apr 05, 2008 11:57

venkatesaya wrote:

tanx EdB
it's just that, with a redirect to the root htaccess, on the main I have zero 404 !!!

That might be what YOU see, but your visitor does not go to the page they expected and therefore figures out something fishy is happening. In fact, by doing that you are hiding the truth only from yourself. MUCH better to find where you have bad links and fix them, or to not do anything, than to blind yourself to problems your visitors are having yah?

New questions should be new topics! That way others can find out the post is interesting to them by looking at the title, please.

12 Apr 08, 2008 08:48

these are the top 404 errors
1 /smartsyncpro/pad_file.xml = 38 errors
2 /img/ssp_screenshot.html = 16 errors
3 /smartsyncpro/history.html = 10 errors
4 /smartsyncpro/screenshots.asp = 7 errors
6 /smartsyncpro/registration.asp = 7 errors
7 /smartsyncpro/screenshots.php = 5 errors

13 Apr 08, 2008 16:54

EdB wrote:

This is not a b2evolution problem.

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