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1 Apr 22, 2008 16:49    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

quick blog url question:

I've installed b2e in, what do I do if I want to set the url of a new blog on ??

I mean, thanks to the .htaccess I can choose any path as long as its under the /blog/ folder. I've been reading the stub information, but it only says how to do it on subfolder.

I guess I could install it on the main directory and make an url for all of them, but I have my own index.php files I want to show up, besides, some folders I already have in there may be an issue...

What should I do?

Thanks in advance.

2 Apr 23, 2008 04:22


I was wondering, if there's no way I could do it the way is it now, and of course I can just change the index.php name, should I be looking for the multple domain option (even tought it's not a multiple domain/subdomain issue), or am I missing something....?


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