1 jungalist Apr 30, 2008 23:01
3 jungalist May 01, 2008 15:23
Thanks for the response. The version I am using is: 2.4.0-rc2
edit: Appending the blog id didn't work. All entries using the regular "add Story" page show up, just not ones I have put in through the back door. I am having a look at some of the WP importer code to see if I can get any clues. I just feel like there is something missing in a table which is causing a JOIN to return no results or something.
4 yabba May 01, 2008 15:43
You also need to populate evo_postcats ;)
5 jungalist May 01, 2008 15:46
...And you are a genius.
Thanks, that did it!
What version are you trying to do this with?
Try to add ?blog=2 to the URL. That is, if the blog number is actually 2, so change that number accordingly.
Good luck