2 john May 14, 2008 23:03

Hi John,
I was trying to install google analytics. So far the only plugins installed are those that are included in the download.
Analytics worked out of the box for me as do the standard plugins....
What skin are you using and is it modified at all.
Just using the standard skin. Have not modified it
Mmm... got me beat.
Some house keeping that sometimes helps...
In Admin, go to ->tools->misc and click on "ยป Delete pre-renderered item cache."
also try going to Plugins intall and click on "reload Plugins.
Beyond that , hope a guru comes along with some more specific advice.
Tried both with no success. Thanks for trying.
Sounds like a crapped up file to me. Download a brand new copy of the package and unzip it on your computer. Then delete from your server the entire /inc/ folder, then upload the brand new one you just unzipped.
Might not work but it might so hey you got nothing to lose.
Removed } from line 228 and install appears to work. Meaning I can install plugins, however I do not know what the result of this function is supposed to look like
Hi Tom..
What plugins have you installed?
The file you referred to has no line 228 and I'm wondering if the issue lies with a specific plugin