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1 Jul 14, 2008 17:17    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

My host site had an automatic script install their "latest" version of b2evolution some time ago... that was version 1.10.3 but unfortunately they do not have the CURRENT version of b2evolution available. As I am having nothing but trouble with this version - can anyone tell me if I can upgrade directly to the most current version, do I need to upgrade in steps, or should I just do a fresh installation and recopy all of my posts back in once I've done that (which I don't mind doing)...

2 Jul 15, 2008 00:36

You can upgrade directly to 242 - no need to go in steps, and there should be no need to start over and redo your posts. Just make sure to get a full backup of your files and your database before you upgrade. Then delete all the files from your server and upload the new ones, modify your conf/_basic_config.php file (before uploading or after - as you see fit), then run the installer and tell it you are upgrading.

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