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1 Sep 10, 2008 04:41    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I am concerned, and I have tried looking around my site as different leveled users, but I am curious if a registered users email is ever able to be obtained by a non-registered or registered user alike? I need to assure my users of their email address privacy with some level of confidence.

Also I noticed there is a function to email users via a form on the site, this does not appear to reveal an email address, where may I modify the way these messages (that are emailed) are formatted, and is it possible to turn this functionality off on a user to user basis?

Thanks! :D

2 Sep 10, 2008 16:34

Only registered users with the right group permissions (see Group settings -> [Click on group name] -> System admin permissions -> Users & Groups) can view user profiles in the backoffice.

The function to email users through a form doesn't reveal the email address and can be turned off in the user profile.
To modify the formatting of the emails you've to edit htsrv/message_send.php.

3 Sep 17, 2008 23:05

not true,
if a registered users comments on an other users post, then there email is visible in the backoffice.

4 Sep 18, 2008 16:30

You're right, Topanga, I didn't think of the backoffice comment list...

5 Sep 18, 2008 18:46

That's a big brainer for me at the moment.
At the moment I fixed it with 'display: no'... offcourse that is no-brainer to find, but at least the emails do not show up 'in the face'

6 Sep 18, 2008 19:04

Try commenting out line 62 in inc/comments/views/

//$Comment->author_email( '', ' &middot; Email: <span class="bEmail">', '</span>' );

You could also try:

if ($current_User->group_ID == 1) 
    $Comment->author_email( '', ' &middot; Email: <span class="bEmail">', '</span>' );

which will show the email address to administrators only.

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