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1 Sep 11, 2008 08:33    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I have problem creating a new blog. When I'm in Blogs tab, there's no link to create a new blog. If I'm in Global Settings tab and click create new blog link, I get the following error

Group/user permission denied by b2evolution! (blogs:create:)

I am the admin user, I should have the 'super right' to do anything. I've looked through all options but can't seem to find what I did to prevent myself from doing this. Anything I have overlooked?

2 Sep 11, 2008 23:53

I would uninstalled and re-installed. sounds wierd.

3 Sep 12, 2008 00:04

There might be something you changed that now prevents this. Please search the forums as I'm pretty sure this has been covered very recently. Search isn't the easiest thing to use though, so have a bit of patience and use multiple words to narrow your search.

4 Sep 12, 2008 01:44

I searched the forum but can't seem to find what I'm after. :(

I've done a lot to the site but I can't remember what I changed :( I've compared the backoffice options with another b2evo site and they're identical! Once can't create and the other, no problem... unless there's something I overlooked...

I do notice one difference, for admin user, the other working site uses 'admin' whereas the site where i want to create a new blog does not use 'admin'. Could this be the problem?

Uninstall and reinstall is always the last option.

5 Sep 12, 2008 02:24

Dashboard -> Users -> Administrators (click the link) -> Settings(at the bottom) -> Edit/delete all
I think this is what you are looking for.

Good luck

6 Sep 23, 2008 12:57

I used Afwas's solution. Didn't do any change (Edit/delete all was already clicked.) All I did was click Save button and the link to create new blog pops up in Dashboard!

This is weird. Oh well, it works and I'm happy. :)

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