2 afwas Oct 23, 2008 15:28
Thank you for the detailed info. I will be working on this over the weekend and will report back on Monday how all went (or sooner if I run into issues).
Troy @ TLC Creative
Okay, I have installed new instance of B2Evolution on new hosting (there are a lot of options in the newer version!). It took some effort, but I have updated the generic mysql database with the one from old host.
Now when I try to access the blog I get an error that says "Database schema is not up to date! You have schema version «8066», but we would need «9700»."
Now I have not modified the _basic_config.php file because I am not certain what parameters are being referenced in the above info (the section where it asks for the daabase login data plus the variable $baseurl.).
I am assuming I need to modify the .php file before running the installer again.
1. What needs to be modified on the .php file?
2. Once modified and uploaded again, do I run the installer (running the update option)?
Many, many thanks.
I, too, must move a blog to a new server. Must I also move the database, or can I just use my blog with a newly created database? Where does the database file reside, anyway? I don't see .sql.gz anywhere.
Also, I'm wondering if I can just install b2evo on the new host server, then replace the blogs folder with my customized blog folder? Or do I have to replace only files I've edited?
@troy, just hit http://yyour.blog/install/ and choose "upgrade" ;)
@njb8 : all you need to do is grab a copy of your database ( from your control panel or PMA or summat )
a copy of /media/
a copy of any custom skins/plugins
then, wander over to your new host, install b2evo, re-upload media/skins/plugins that you saved
restore your database backup
and hope I got it all right ;)
Thanks! 2 questions to make sure I understand:
1. On new host I run the install as 'upgrade' vs. 'fresh install'?
2. After installed and media copied over (I am upgrading from old version, so no skins or plugins being moved), what is the process for to backup database? Is there an online wizard that does this or ...?
Troy @ TLC
Troy @ TLC wrote:
Thanks! 2 questions to make sure I understand:
1. On new host I run the install as 'upgrade' vs. 'fresh install'?
You may want to re-read what ¥åßßå posted in prior post.
Troy @ TLC wrote:
2. [...], what is the process for to backup database? Is there an online wizard that does this or ...?
Troy @ TLC
You may want to re-read and follow the link that Afwas provided for a graphical user interface (GUI) PHPMyAdmin procedure.
For those of us who host b2evolution on GNU/Linux distributions and access the resources from a local or remote shell --and are enabled with root (or super user) privilege, there is the no-charge community edition of [url=http://www.zmanda.com/download-zrm.php]Zmanda Recovery Manager (ZRM)[/url] for MySQL.
The procedure to install ZRM (taking particular note of newer version) and backup particular databases can be gleaned from this short tutorial: [url=http://www.zmanda.com/quick-mysql-backup.html]How to setup and verify a backup solution for MySQL in 15 minutes - all using open source software!![/url]
I just hope that this is not too much overhead; (but) we are a service provider that uses this tool to manage customers' resources in a proactive manner so as to implement business continuity service level agreements (SLAs).
Thanks for the reply. I guess I am trying to clarify some of the info in ¥åßßå's post.
He says to "hit http://yyour.blog/install/ and choose "upgrade"" - I am unclear if this first step is done on my exisitng host. Sounds like it, but I do not want to try and risk causing a problem unless certain it is what should be done.
I did reference the info Afwas provided a link to and did do a backup and restore of the sql database. But after restoring I came up with the error messages listed above - so something did not work as intended.
My new install idea (will try this on Monday), is to delete all on new host (blog folder and sql database), copy over all files from current host, restore database and have all functioning on the old version of b2e. Then run the upgrade option. Sound logical?
Troy @ TLC
Troy @ TLC wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I guess I am trying to clarify some of the info in ¥åßßå's post.
He says to "hit http://yyour.blog/install/ and choose "upgrade"" - [...]
Well, possibly ¥åßßå did not realize that you were upgrading your b2evo blog *but* once you were located at a different hosting provider.
Troy @ TLC wrote:
I did reference the info Afwas provided a link to and did do a backup and restore of the sql database. But after restoring I came up with the error messages listed above - so something did not work as intended.
Troy @ TLC
It is quite possible that your previous MySQL server supporting your older b2evo blog is of an different version (older) than that of hosting provider that you are currently moving to. If that is the case, I might venture to suggest that the errors that you are getting are due to the need to upgrade the grant tables of your older database on the newer MySQL server.
You may want to reference the procedure [url=http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-fix-privilege-tables.html]mysql_fix_privilege_tables[/url] or [url=http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-upgrade.html]mysql_upgrade[/url]; this last is if your current target MySQL server is version 5.0.19 and higher.
Your hosting provider should be able to help you if you do not have access to the MySQL server directly.
Good luck :)
Here's what I think's happened .. you've moved host and installed b2evo, then you've restored your database backup ... your new host has a newer version of evo than your old host ( hence the "your database version is...." ) ...
Just hit "http://new-host.com/install/ and then select "upgrade" ;)
Hi Troy @ TLC,
Your file .sql.gz is a backup of your databse.
First you want to create a new database on your new server. Goto your hosts cPanel -> MySQL Databases and do so
Second go to your hosts PHPMyAdmin and take the steps to restore a backed up database, see [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=14421]here[/url].
Next edit the file /blogs/conf/_basic_config.php and change the section where it asks for the daabase login data plus the variable $baseurl.
If all the files from the B2evolution distribution are in place on the server you can run the installer at http://www.example.com/install. Follow the steps and most likely the installer will upgrade the 0.9.x database to 2.4.5 without any issue.
If you have more questions please report back to this topic.
Good luck