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1 Jul 03, 2004 21:26    

please help!
In Multiblog display (see here: ), you see this on right:


Blog All Title

Blog A Title

the above titles in display are those blogs' full names assigned via backoffice. my problem is I want them to be short names. Which file controls it?

Thank you!!

2 Jul 06, 2004 17:33

I am NOT a programmer, but this worked for me. :)

In _categories.php (in my skins/custom/ folder)

about line 105:
I changed name to shortname (red).
echo $cat_blog_start;
?><a href="<?php blog_list_iteminfo('blogurl', 'raw') ?>"><?php blog_list_iteminfo('shortname', 'htmlbody') ?></a>
echo $cat_blog_end;

3 Jul 09, 2004 18:11

kellytps wrote:

I am NOT a programmer, but this worked for me. :)

In _categories.php (in my skins/custom/ folder)

about line 105:
I changed name to shortname (red).
echo $cat_blog_start;
?><a href="<?php blog_list_iteminfo('blogurl', 'raw') ?>"><?php blog_list_iteminfo('shortname', 'htmlbody') ?></a>
echo $cat_blog_end;

it works!! thanks a lot!

4 Jul 09, 2004 19:21

Now, I have a questions for you? Do you know how you get the categories to list the number of entries on your main page? or is that in the skin?
Books (0)
China-corner (2)
Food & Cusine (1)
Life (1)

This is the one last thing I really need!
Is it in your _categories.php file?


6 Jul 10, 2004 02:56

Can you post that code please? It should be after that shortname entry around line 106.

7 Jul 10, 2004 09:50

* This is the template that displays (recursive) list of (sub)categories
* This file is not meant to be called directly.
* It is meant to be called by an include in the _main.php template.
die("Please, do not access this page directly.");

# You can customize the following as you wish:
if(!isset($cat_all)) $cat_all = 'All'; // Set to empty to hide
# global category list delimiters:
if(!isset($cat_main_start)) $cat_main_start = '';
if(!isset($cat_main_end)) $cat_main_end = '';
# Category delimiters:
if(!isset($cat_line_start)) $cat_line_start = '<li>';
if(!isset($cat_line_end)) $cat_line_end = '</li>';
if(!isset($cat_line_checkbox)) $cat_line_checkbox = false;
# Category group delimiters:
if(!isset($cat_group_start)) $cat_group_start = '<ul>';
if(!isset($cat_group_end)) $cat_group_end = '</ul>';
# When multiple blogs are listed on same page:
if(!isset($cat_blog_start)) $cat_blog_start = '<h4>';
if(!isset($cat_blog_end)) $cat_blog_end = '</h4>';

* WARNING: the category list is displayed recursively.
* This is a little tricky. Don't modify below unless you really know what you're doing!

// ----------------- START RECURSIVE CAT LIST ----------------
cat_query(); // make sure the caches are loaded
if( ! isset( $cat_array ) ) $cat_array = array();

function cat_list_before_first( $parent_cat_ID, $level )
{ // callback to start sublist
global $cat_group_start;
if( $level > 0 ) echo "\n",$cat_group_start,"\n";

function cat_list_before_each( $cat_ID, $level )
{ // callback to display sublist element
global $blogfilename, $cat_array, $cat_line_start, $cat_line_checkbox;
$cat = get_the_category_by_ID( $cat_ID );
echo $cat_line_start;
if( $cat_line_checkbox )
echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="catsel[]" value="'.$cat_ID.'"';
if( in_array( $cat_ID, $cat_array ) )
{ // This category is in the current selection
echo ' checked="checked"';
echo ' />';
echo '<a href="'.url_add_param( get_bloginfo('blogurl'), 'cat='.$cat_ID ).'">'.format_to_output($cat['cat_name'], 'htmlbody').'</a> <span class="dimmed">('.$cat['cat_postcount'].')</span>';
if( in_array( $cat_ID, $cat_array ) )
{ // This category is in the current selection
echo "*";
if( $cat_line_checkbox )
echo '</label>';

function cat_list_after_each( $cat_ID, $level )
{ // callback to display sublist element
global $cat_line_end;
echo $cat_line_end,"\n";

function cat_list_after_last( $parent_cat_ID, $level )
{ // callback to end sublist
global $cat_group_end;
if( $level > 0 ) echo $cat_group_end,"\n";

// Start global list:
echo $cat_main_start;
if( $blog > 1 )
{ // We want to display cats for one blog
echo "\n",$cat_group_start,"\n";

if( !empty( $cat_all ) )
{ // We want to display a link to all cats:
echo $cat_line_start,"\n";
echo '<a href="',get_bloginfo('blogurl'),'">',$cat_all,'</a>';
echo $cat_line_end,"\n";

cat_children( $cache_categories, $blog, NULL, 'cat_list_before_first', 'cat_list_before_each', 'cat_list_after_each', 'cat_list_after_last', 0 );

echo "\n",$cat_group_end,"\n";
{ // We want to display cats for all blogs
for( $curr_blog_ID=blog_list_start('stub');
$curr_blog_ID=blog_list_next('stub') )
{ # by uncommenting the following lines you can hide some blogs
// if( $curr_blog_ID == 2 ) continue; // Hide blog 2...

if( ($curr_blog_ID == 1) && empty( $cat_all ) ) continue; // Hide blog 1 if requested

echo $cat_blog_start;
?><a href="<?php blog_list_iteminfo('blogurl', 'raw') ?>"><?php blog_list_iteminfo('shortname', 'htmlbody') ?></a>
echo $cat_blog_end;

// run recursively through the cats
cat_children( $cache_categories, $curr_blog_ID, NULL, 'cat_list_before_first', 'cat_list_before_each', 'cat_list_after_each', 'cat_list_after_last', 1 );

// End global list:
echo $cat_main_end;

// ----------------- END RECURSIVE CAT LIST ----------------


8 Oct 11, 2005 00:29

And is there any way to NOT have the categories from all blogs listed on a multiblog? But have them listed on the blogs they belong to..

I've found out how to hide the categories, but not the blog name, inside the "Categories" menu on the Multiblog.

Maybe it's important to say that i'm using index.php as blog #1 (and not multiblogs.php file)

Thank you a lot!


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