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1 Feb 01, 2009 15:56    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I just got my blog up and running. I would like for people to be able to register themselves. The problem is that there is nowhere on the page to indicate that they have to click "Log in" to do that. I would like to add text to the "Log in" link that explains that you must click "Log in" to register. I know a lot of sites work that way, but I think it's better when there is a "Register" link.

Can anyone help me with this?

2 Feb 01, 2009 16:27

Yes, give me a few minutes though. You will have to hack two files to get 'er done the way I did it.

3 Feb 01, 2009 16:53

Okay so I wanted it to be a selectable widget. Seemed to me the widget with the dropdown box that lets me put a "log in" link on the page would be cool, so that's the first file you hack.

Open inc/widgets/widgets/_menu_link.widget.php and find something very very much like this, then make it be exactly like this:

$menu_link_widget_link_types = array(
		'home' => T_('Blog home'),
		'arcdir' => T_('Archive directory'),
		'catdir' => T_('Category directory'),
		'latestcomments' => T_('Latest comments'),
		'ownercontact' => T_('Blog owner contact form'),
		'login' => T_('Log in form'),
		'register' => T_('Registration form')

The change is adding a comma on the 'login' line and the 'register' line.

Now scroll down to roughly line 160 where you find a "case" for 'login', then add a "case" for 'register' after it. You will end up with this:

			case 'login':
				if( is_logged_in() ) return false;
				$url = get_login_url();
				$text = T_('Log in');

			case 'register':
				if( is_logged_in() ) return false;
				$url = get_register_url();
				$text = T_('Register');

			case 'home':

The problem now is that there is no such thing as a "get_register_url" function, so I hacked it in to a different file. Open inc/users/model/_user.funcs.php and look around line 208 for this bit:

	$r = $before;
	$r .= '<a href="'.$htsrv_url_sensitive.'register.php'.$redirect.'" title="'.$link_title.'">';
	$r .= $link_text;
	$r .= '</a>';
	$r .= $after;
	return $r;

After that add two blank lines then the following function:

 * Get url to register - THIS IS A HACK!
 * @return string
function get_register_url()
	global $htsrv_url_sensitive, $edited_Blog, $generating_static;

	if( !isset($generating_static) )
	{ // We are not generating a static page here:
		$redirect = regenerate_url( '', '', '', '&' );
	elseif( isset($edited_Blog) ) // fp> this is a shady test!! :/
	{ // We are generating a static page
		$redirect = $edited_Blog->get('url'); // was dynurl
	{ // We are in a weird situation
		$redirect = '';

	if( ! empty($redirect) )
		$redirect = '?redirect_to='.rawurlencode( url_rel_to_same_host( $redirect, $htsrv_url_sensitive ) );

	return $htsrv_url_sensitive.'register.php'.$redirect;

Upload them and you should be able to select "Register" from that widget. Logged in peeps won't see it of course, and I use it right next to the same widget with "Log In" selected.

Oh yeah back yer files up before you hack 'em cuz there ain't nothin' worse than trusting a free hack only to find out there really was a price ;)

4 Feb 01, 2009 17:23

You rock! Now there won't be any confusion when people are looking to register...

Thanks a lot man!

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