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1 Mar 06, 2009 18:16    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I am looking to implement blog similar to htt[b][/b]p://
each blogger will have their own profile pages and can connect to tehr users. Are there any plugins available which can give similar results

2 Mar 06, 2009 18:53

Wow, that site uses more 3rd party resources than the pentagon! .... not that I care how many resources the pentagon squanders you understand? I've got our own government to worry about.

Every user has their own profile. There are ways to make that a tad more public than evo normally allows.

Personally I connect with my users by .... urm ... actually, I don't .. they just kinda come and find me and harass me :(


3 Mar 13, 2009 07:10

I'm far from an expert and am actually looking for some answers myself. When I saw this question, I thought I'd see a helpful answer, but as I read ¥åßßå's response (which means 'very complicated,' I assume), a fairly simple answer came to me, but it'll only work if the sidebars can have links individual to each blog/blogger.

That would be to put a link to a separate html page with the user info. That's not a form the user's can fill out, though.

Just a thought. Since I'm still trying to figure out how to get my unique links into the side bar, I have no idea if it would work.

4 Mar 13, 2009 13:16

Funny, but when I saw this question I thought "why make a plugin out of something that is easily done with the core just because it seems some other web somewhere seems to have a plugin for it?"

Pages. Post as 'page'. You can have a million of 'em if you want. "About Billy", "About Sally", "About that time Billy and Sally got liquored up and didn't know the webcam was still running" for example.

Then again I don't understand what "connect with users" means. Oh wait: that'd be a contact form maybe?

5 Jun 29, 2009 11:06

I would like to add some more to this question: I'm looking for a way to create user profile page automatically so that if let's say clicking on user's name/avatar one would go into poster's profile and there one could find contact details and also some post/comments statistics. That means that Pages are not exactly what we need. Any ideas? :)

7 Jun 29, 2009 12:34

Sorry, I can't look at "My profile" you've added, I need to be registered there. But is it possible to modify profile via admin section?

8 Jun 29, 2009 13:26

Ooops, forgot I killed it for guests :P

Basically you need to create your own _profile.disp.php

if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$UserCache = get_cache( 'UserCache' );
$profileID = param( 'ID', 'integer' );
if( is_logged_in() && !$profileID )
{	// current user wants to view their own profile
	$profileID = $current_User->ID;

if( $profileID )
{ // we want to get a memebers profile
	if( $profileUser = $UserCache->get_by_ID( $profileID, false ) )
		echo '<h3>'.$profileUser->get_preferred_name().'\'s profile';
		if( isset( $current_User ) && $current_User->ID == $profileID )
		{	// the user is viewing their own profile
			global $admin_url;
			echo ' <a href="'.url_add_param( $admin_url, 'ctrl=users&amp;user_ID='.$current_User->ID ).'" title= " edit your profile ">'.get_icon( 'edit', 'imgtag' ).'</a>';
		// spit out any info you want
		echo '<p>First Name : '.$profileUser->dget('firstname' ).'</p>'."\n";		
		echo '<p>Last Name : '.$profileUser->dget('lastname' ).'</p>'."\n";		
		echo '<p>Etc : '.$profileUser->dget('etc' ).'</p>'."\n";		
	{ // invalid member
		$profileUser = NULL;
		echo '<h3>'.T_( 'No user selected!' ).'</h3>';
{ // no member!
	echo '<h3>'.T_( 'No user selected!' ).'</h3>';

Note, partially freetyped as my own relies on the output of a plugin for all the extra bits ;)


9 Jun 29, 2009 13:48

Thanks, this one's ok. And now - how can I make public profiles? Let's say, i'm reading through user's posts and I would like to see this profile (not mine, but his)? Read only, of course :)

10 Jun 29, 2009 22:56

yoururl.tld/?disp=profile&ID=## where ## is the id of the user whose profile you want to see


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