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1 May 02, 2009 15:35    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I have a b2evolution blog, version 2.4.5, but I'm having a huge problem.
I'm not able to embed any kind of .swf in my post, and I really need to, because I have to post some work that is in .swf.
Can anybody tell me how can I do it? I already use the video plugin, but nothing happens and the .swf doesn't appear.

2 May 02, 2009 17:11

I use this code. You should only change the URL where the swf file is.
[object:flash: width:500 height:400]

Try it and If doesn´t run, I´ll try to remember what I changed in my blog system...

3 May 02, 2009 18:53

Well, i can't get anything. Can you remember if you use somme plugin and whats the changes that you have made to get it working?

4 May 02, 2009 22:06

Ok! I browsed my files and found the plugin I instaled. It calls: _embedflash.plugin.php But I don´t know how to put a file in the forum. So, If you send me a email to I will send you the plugin.

8 May 02, 2009 23:34

Ok. Thanks a lot, it works.. but, i still have a problem...
I don't know why, but I can't open swf that are placed on my server.. I only can use .swf that are in other servers. Can you tell me why and how can I change this? Is there anything special that the .swf must have?

And one more thing, do you know how can i charge then an flv to a .swf flayer?
Thanks a lot for everything

9 May 02, 2009 23:53

Hi Jhon. I already try it but it doesn't work, I don't konw why. I put there, and nothing shows in my blog.

10 May 03, 2009 22:48

Ok, some questions.
Have you asked your Host if there's a hosting issue with Flash?
Do you have Javascript enabled in your browser? ie are you able to get the Alert box that asks for the swf file, it's width and it's height?
What browser are you using?

11 May 04, 2009 00:53

Also what browser (and version I guess) are you using? Admin pages depend heavily on javascript, and some browsers don't do all the stuff they way that the scripts are written to work.

12 May 07, 2009 21:51

Well, i'm usign Firefox 3.0.5 and Internet explorer 7.
I think the browser is not the problem because if I copy the link that Ion Rey has post here, I can open the .swf that is there, withouth any problem.
The problem is when I change the URL of the .swf file to use and .swf from my own.

13 May 07, 2009 22:34

When prompted for the width and the height are you adding px or % to the end of the number? 500px... 300px!

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