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1 May 21, 2009 03:40    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I have one blog that I want to open to Basic Users to create posts on and to be able to upload an image to their post. Even better if I can control the size of image they upload.

2 May 30, 2009 07:44

This has been covered a couple of times but I don't know where so I'll give it a shot. First on the blog you want to allow posting, select the ... 'advanced' subtab under Blog settings and check a box near the bottom for "allow advanced stuff" or something like that. The note says it turns on permissions. Save it and you will now have Group Perms and User Perms subtabs, so visit the Group perms subtab and select the text link for "wide" or something like that. There you can set up what each group member of the group can do in the blog. You will have to make them be members, and give them some posting permissions, and probably something about allowing them to do file manager stuff. I suggest registering as a regular user and logging in with a different browser so you can learn/test what the permissions you are giving the group allow.

On the size of the image thing, I'm pretty sure all you can do is set a limit for byte size on one of the subtabs under Global settings. Probably the "Files" subtab yah? If you want to set a limit on pixel dimensions that is not so easy. The first thing to do is tell your bloggers to not upload anything bigger than X by Y ... but do tell them values instead of X and Y of course. If you have a blogger who simply doesn't get it you can kidnap his or her daughter and threaten to make them make a myspace page where the daughter will post pathetically boring crap in the most obnoxious manner possible. Most parents will immediately learn to limit their pixel dimensions at that point. Note that you should not kidnap sons as sons are generally useless and you will have no leverage, eventually resorting to selling the son on ebay just to pay the bandwidth bill from all the porn the son downloads after figuring out your password. Sons are bad.

Probably best to just explain to your bloggers that they should limit pixel width to whatever is appropriate IF you want to limit width / height stuff.

3 Jun 21, 2009 04:58

Thanks ed!!! Awesome as always :) 5 stars!

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