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1 May 22, 2009 22:15    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

OK, per EdB's advice, I'm going to break these out for what I'm trying to do, can't accomplish, and am having trouble understanding the FAQ's, tutorials, etc.

In v2.4.5, in trying to customize the appearance of my site, the instructions say to start by copying the Custom directory under the Skins SpecialRoot section of the Dashboard and rename the copied version MySkin.

I tried this. I went to the Skins directory and then clicked on the Copy icon out to the right side of the line that had the directory for Custom. I was then taken to a new page that asked me to rename my new file, which I named MySkin, and then I clicked the Copy button again.

I was then taken back to the main Skins directory and MySkin shows up, but it's file type is unknown and I see nowhere to change the type to a directory. The properties icon just takes me to another screen looking for a new name or a text description, no place to change the type.

Any ideas?

2 May 23, 2009 00:45

Yup. Do it on your computer then upload it to your server.

File Manager is for files is the thing. I've never tried using it with folders, and heck even doing stuff with files is easier if you do it on your computer and FTP them to your server.

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