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1 Jul 09, 2009 08:31    

Hi, I have recently installed the new version of b2 (2.4.7), totally new installation. The problem started as I tried to login with the default account ("admin" account) that b2 automatically creates at the end of the installation procedure. I tried to login with the username "admin" and the given password but as I clicked on the login button it returned the "login window expiration" message. It continued until I removed the hash password javascript from the login page. Can anyone please tell me why didn't it hashing javascript worked out?

The problem i'm facing now is while I try to update any widget (Free HTML", "Menu link" and any other widget). When I create / edit any built-in widget the changes are not saved. Though it says "Widget settings have been updated" as I click on the "update" button but it remain with the default params of the widgets. Same thing is happening every widget. I can't customize any of them. Can anyone please help me?

2 Jul 09, 2009 08:58

A link to your blog would be helpful


3 Jul 09, 2009 09:04

sorry but i'v not uploaded the blog online yet, i'm just setting it up offline through local server ( using EasyPHP.

4 Jul 09, 2009 10:16

In that case :

Check your $baseurl in /conf/_basic_config.php it should read :

$baseurl = 'http://localhost/';

If it does read that then grab a fresh copy of the zipfile and change all your files


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