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1 Jul 19, 2009 20:24    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.0-rc1


Having only put together single user blogs in the past I am just starting to delve into the realm of multi-user installations so I am still finding my feet on this one.

I am OK with setting up access to the blog that new users are going to post to and it all seems pretty straight forward to get them to only be able to edit their own posts. This is all very cool !

The thing that is confusing me a little bit is that the 'delete posts' is global across all posts - even the ones you didn't write. Have I missed something or is that the way it is when multiple authors are writing to the same blog?

Thanks for your help

2 Jul 19, 2009 20:57

So's edit comments ;)

They're both classed as editor(moderator) abilities


3 Jul 19, 2009 22:08

Thanks for that ¥åßßå

So I guess the way to allow people to fully manage their own posts and not others is to give them their own blog when they register (through that auto/userblog plugin) and then have a blog that aggregates all the user blogs?

I don't suppose there are any stats about how big a b2evo install can get from a number of blogs perspective are there?

I may just not allow them to delete which would be an easier way forward :-)


4 Jul 19, 2009 22:55

Well, ideally, you'd code permission based comments/delete into the core ( similar to current edit perms ) and, whilst you were there, you'd also add the ability for post types to be permission based as well. :D

The beauty of using blog per user though is it's far easier to delete user / blog / blog posts / blog media ... if you ever need to bin an account. ;)


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