My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
I posted the below as a request for a widget, but I'm sure some of you do it without a widget, and I'm open to new ideas
A number of modern ad providers use remote scripts and flash(i.e. "<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="javascript" src=""> </SCRIPT>")
Of course, there are a bunch that still rely on HTML links with remotely hosted images.
Near as I can tell, nowhere on the internet is there any type of script that can randomize a mix of both of these types of ads. It'd be a nifty widget, and one I can't imagine would be too difficult to write for someone who has some idea what they are doing. I have no idea what I am doing.
Bonus points if you can include a way to weight the frequency of the ads.
As always, you guys are the best!
I read the original thread as well
Duplicate post locked. Original @link [url=][2.x] Modern-style ad rotation[/url]