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1 Aug 17, 2009 12:49    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.1

Can anyone guide me through how to replace the default search with a Google adsense search? I created the search and have the code. I added it to the sidebar via a Free HTML widget. I'm stuck as to where to put the second part of the code. I have the adsense plug-in installed, and created a page post and added the second part of the code to the adsense plug-in and then added that to the post. When I search I'm taken me to the right page but nothing shows at all. I have the feeling I'm going about the second part all wrong, or that the adsense plug-in isn't meant to be used in this way.

I currently removed it all and will try again when I get some tips, any help is greatly appreciated. Here's the blog I'm working on: Sorry for all the Lorem ipsum dolor, but content wont be added till I am satisfied with the design. :D

2 Aug 17, 2009 20:35

For the second part of the code, i guess the search result. Create a new html page with the same design of your blog.
Then in this page put the javascript code give by google.

Example in french:
The search box is called "Recherche". Put something in then click "Rechercher". As keyword you could use something relative to Lotus cars.
The result page is here:
You could view source.

Hope it helps,

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