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1 Aug 20, 2009 03:55    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

The only thing I can find on posting by e-mail in the manual is this:

Post by email
You can post news from an email client but first you'll have to edit /conf/_advanced.php, filling the appropriate values for your POP3 email account (this interface doesn't support IMAP yet, only POP3, sorry).

Once you have edited the config options, you can make your webserver execute /htsrv/getmail.php every set amount of time (depending on your host's performance, this script can be resource intensive, so don't make it run every minute or you'll be kicked).

You can do it with Cron-jobs, or if your host doesn't support it you can look into the various website-monitoring services, and make them check your b2mail.php URL.

I'm sorry but I don't understand any of that ... I mean, I know what the words say ... but I'm having trouble understanding how to apply them. The _advanced.php file is a big file and I don't see anywhere in it to configure the values for my POP3 email account. Also, How do I "make my webserver execute /htsrv/getmail.php ???

Can someone give me simple step by step instructions for a simple person?


2 Sep 26, 2009 22:44

Wow this got old without an answer. Seems like a fair question though so I'll give it a shot. BTW I don't blog by email so this is hopefully enough to get you going ... if you're still trying unsuccessfully.

First off, in 2.* you have to go to your Global settings -> features subtab and check the box for "Enable Blog by email". That will reveal quite a few fields that used to be in that file the manual mentions. Most of them are pretty straightforward, though you might have to get with your host if you are not familiar with email stuff. Like, if you always check your email on a website then you will probably not understand the mail server and port number bits. Anyway you give it the credentials for an email account. The email address and password is what I mean. You also pick a default category for posting into. The "subject prefix" field is really important here cuz this is how the whole thing will know if it is supposed to read this email or not. Let's pretend you use QWERTYUIOP there okay? ALWAYS make that be the start of the subject line.

The "cron job" bit is not so easy. I don't do anything with cron jobs, but I once did. blogging by email into a b2evo installation, so yeah it'll work eventually. If I was looking to get this done I'd ask my host for a bit of help on it. Or use your cpanel to see if you can't figure it out on your own. Eventually you might want to let b2evo's cron job thingie do it for you, but hey going straight to your host takes away another middle-man so your troubleshooting is less if it isn't working.

Hope it helps :)

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