2 yabba Aug 30, 2009 08:18

Aw crap I forgot all about that plugin. I should go play with that instead of core hacks, not that I care much about keeping the core "clean" anymore.
CVS? That's where exciting new ways to use users domains for spamming gets disguised in a sea of bugs right? No thanks...
But yeah AM Profile Overkill might be the way to go.
Hey do you got a link where all the various AM plugins are listed? Sometimes it's really hard to find 'em is the thing.
Your definition of CVS is pretty much the reason why I don't play there any more ;)
ATM probably the best place to get a list of our plugins is from my credits page @link [url=http://waffleson.co.uk/2007/10/credits]mydomain.com[/url]
As and when I get chance I'm busy moving them to a better home, but it's only got a few on atm.
If you like I can zip up my installs plugin folder .. you'll probably get a couple that aren't public .. and whap it over to you?
¥åßßå wrote:
... If you like I can zip up my installs plugin folder .. you'll probably get a couple that aren't public .. and whap it over to you?
Um... yeah sure. I still got half a terabyte sittin' around doing nothing. I can add it all to my huge pile of stuff I have no idea what it does other than fill up some space so having this much hard drive doesn't make me feel so ... inadequate :(
I suppose instead of all this inconsequential minor tweaking of trivial details I should be polishing off "canned free html" and "another bloglist" and "flags of the world". But I don't. Instead I concern myself with such important issues as "how can these two files be the same if they have different date and time stamps" which motivates me to delete one and copy over the other only to realize I deleted the wrong one by accidentally deleting the folder the folder it was in was in. oopsie!
You might want to have a play with our custom profiles plugin. You should be able to easily bend it to your will ;)
If you think all the above fields are bloat then just wait until you see all the new ones in cvs ;)