2 tblue Aug 30, 2009 21:12

I have made also a screen shoot. sorry, I can't se your. www.kronplatzforum.com/Sonstiges/screenShoot.png
The other 2 things now work.
But i already have two other questions.
1. Where do i get the GD Libary and how do i install it (I need it for the captcha)?
2.How do I insert a I frame in a post? it works in the widget "self-Html" but not in the post option!?
and again sorry for the bad english =)
nailik wrote:
I have made also a screen shoot. sorry, I can't se your. www.kronplatzforum.com/Sonstiges/screenShoot.png
That's a CSS problem. Setting the margin-top property of the "bText" class to 35px fixed the problem for me.
1. Where do i get the GD Libary and how do i install it (I need it for the captcha)?
Google will tell you, but chances are your hosting provider can install it for you. :)
2.How do I insert a I frame in a post? it works in the widget "self-Html" but not in the post option!?
Uncheck the "Prevent iframes" checkbox in your group's options, but please be aware doing so may open a security hole (be sure to trust the other users in that group).
Ok thank you very much, now everything works except the "iframe" thing!
can you please repeat this a bit more Detailed? if possible in german?
admin > users > *click group name to edit group* > untick "prevent iframes" > click save
My germans crap, sorry :P
Klicke im Admin-Interface auf "Benutzer" (blaue Leiste ganz oben) und dann auf den Namen der Gruppe, die du bearbeiten willst. Entferne dann unter "Blogging-Berechtigungen" -> "Sicherheitsfilter" den Haken bei "iframes verhindern" und speichere die Einstellungen. Fertig!
Wir haben übrigens auch ein deutsches Unterforum. ;)
And now I will read [url=http://www.crossmyt.com/hc/linghebr/awfgrmlg.html]"The Awful German Language"[/url] by Mark Twain. Hah. ;)
Twice ;)
nailik wrote:
There are three locale settings in b2evolution: One for the entire system, one for each blog and one for each user. You need to change all three settings (in your case).
Before you can use the German locale, you have to activate it: Go to the "Global settings" -> "Regional" tab and, if needed, activate the German locale (don't forget to click on the Save button). Then choose the locale from the "Default locale" dropdown and click Save again. That was the global setting.
To change the setting for each blog, go to the "Blog settings" -> "General" tab and change the corresponding setting.
Finally, to change the setting for your user just edit your profile (hover your user name on the bar at the top of your screen and click on "Edit user profile...").
Well... There's a "Install new" link on the "Global settings" -> "Plugins" tab.
Looks fine here (using Firefox 3.5.2). [url=http://browsershots.org/http://www.kronplatzforum.com/blog/blogs/blog1.php]Screenshot[/url] (will be there in a short time).