2 yabba Aug 31, 2009 08:36

token_get_all() is available as of PHP 4.2.0. b2evolution needs PHP 4.3.0 or higher to work correctly...
Not really..
I discovered, that User Admin was already in DB, but PW was crypted. So I just clicked "forget password" an build a new one.
Then I played a little bit around with the installation. But ... cause I don´t have a clue how much installation parts are missing, I am worried that it might seem working but crashes later..
For example I do not have any plugins..
My PHP is:
PHP Version 5.2.10-pl0-gentoo
Sorry, I renamed install dir .. http://www.marioworld.de/b2inst-old-bak/phpinfo.php
Given that this is a brand new installation I'd be inclined to DROP all the tables in the database and start over. The installer should be able to go from start to finish without tripping up somewhere is the thing, and as you rightly mention, how to know it did it all if you had to meddle in it's affairs?
I tryed around a dozen new and fresh installations.
Always with a completly fresh DB also. Not just dropped tables (but I tryed this also).
But mostly deleted everything and created new.
Just curious about something ...
Can you try v247 on the off-chance that it has something to do with the latest generation? IF that goes well then try upgrading.
Looks like you fixed it ;)