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1 Sep 08, 2009 22:33    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.1


A really weird thing is going on:

No input field work properly in Firefox 3.5 (it does regularly on IE 8).
When you click in a field in order to start typing, nothing happens (no blink cursor), BUT if you right click in the field then cursor starts blinking.

I've updated to 3.3.1 and this error is still there. Same thing happens with all skins, including default ones and it's not in my system only.

Can anyone give me at least a clue?


2 Sep 08, 2009 22:40

Have you just added any javascript, like "no right click"...? Maybe disable that script and see what happens.

I can click and enter in fields for the comment box, but not your search box..

3 Sep 08, 2009 22:50

Hi, John. Thanks for your reply.

I used to have a "no right click" script and tried to disable it, with no effect, so now I've just put it back.

I cannot type in comment box neither.

Are you really shure that you can type there without right clicks?

Because if you are correct then it could be some Firefox problem. My version is 3.5.2 but it's happening since 3.5.

4 Sep 08, 2009 23:06

What happens if you wrap that "right click" JS with....

<script type="text/javascript"></script>

instead of

<script language="Javascript1.2" type="text/javascript"></script>

Just a suggestion !!!

5 Sep 08, 2009 23:14

It's the "no select" code that is causing your problem.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
function disableselect(e)
return false
function reEnable()
return true
//if IE4+
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
//if NS6
if (window.sidebar)
// Tblue> BUG: Prevents setting the cursor into a text field using the mouse.

I didn't notice it first because I have JavaScript disabled for untrusted sites (annoying "copyright protection" measures like this one are partly the reason), but then I enabled it and - surprise! - it was *not* a b2evolution or Firefox bug, but JavaScript code. Hah.

Well... The solution is to remove this unnecessary piece of code from your site.

6 Sep 08, 2009 23:16

Man!!! You are a genius!
You know what?

I went to serch where this javascript was wrapped to see how it was... then I found the right click script inside the header. Deleted it and it's working now!

When I said "I used to have a "no right click" script and tried to disable it, with no effect, so now I've just put it back" I was referring to a external .js file, but never checked inside

I allways use a external .js file, don't know what happened this time with this dumb decision.

Thanks a lot, John! Problem solved.

[EDITED] I saw your last answer just after posted this. Thanks to you too, Tblue.

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