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1 Oct 29, 2009 01:18    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Is it possible to have the summary page lists all the posts per specific year?

so i would have a summary_2009.php, then another file that list only 2008 posts. currently it lists all posts by year and month.

wondering if there is any filters in this code to specify year?

 $BlogBList = & new ItemList2( $l_Blog, NULL, 'now', 0 );


10/1/2009 - blog title - blog link

8/2/2009 - blog title - blog link


2/3/2008 - blog title - blog link

Code I'm using from yabba's hack awhile ago. Thanks Yabba!

<?php // --------------------------- BLOG LIST -----------------------------


	$BlogCache = & get_Cache( 'BlogCache' );

	$blog_array = $BlogCache->load_public( 'ID' );

	foreach( $blog_array as $blog )
	{	// Loop through all public blogs:
		# by uncommenting the following lines you can hide some blogs
		 if( $blog == 1 ) continue; // Hide blog 1...
		 if( $blog == 2 ) continue; // Hide blog 2...
		 if( $blog == 4 ) continue; // Hide blog 4...

		 * @var Blog
		$l_Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog );


		<?php	// Get the all posts for each blog:

			$BlogBList = & new ItemList2( $l_Blog, NULL, 'now', 0 );

			$BlogBList->set_filters( array(
					'order' => 'DESC',
					'unit' => 'posts',
				) );
			$curr_year = 0; //user modified
			$curr_month = 0; //user modified	

			// Run the query:

			while( $Item = & $BlogBList->get_item() )
  if( empty( $curr_month ) || $curr_month != date( 'm', mysql2timestamp( $Item->get( 'issue_date' ) ) ) ) 
{ // month change 
  if( $curr_month != 0)  
  echo '</table>';

  $curr_year = date( 'Y', mysql2timestamp( $Item->get( 'issue_date' ) ) );
  $curr_month = date( 'm', mysql2timestamp( $Item->get( 'issue_date' ) ) ) ;
  echo '<tr><th colspan="2">'.date( 'M', mysql2timestamp( $Item->get( 'issue_date' ) ) ).' '.$curr_year.'</th></tr><tr><td><table class="news_blue">'; 
<tr><td lang="<?php $Item->lang() ?>">
						$Item->issue_date( array(
								'before'      => ' ',
								'after'       => ' ',
								'date_format' => '#',
							) );
				   <td width="100%"><?php	
						$Item->title( array(
								'link_type' => 'permalink',
							) );


2 Oct 29, 2009 19:12

stepping back for a bit works wonders. Just create several files or create a variable to pickup in the http get. be sure to filter the data and make it safe before using that variable.

add this before

	if( date( 'Y', mysql2timestamp( $Item->get( 'issue_date' ) ) ) == '2008')

if( empty( $curr_month ) || $curr_month != date( 'm', mysql2timestamp( $Item->get( 'issue_date' ) ) ) ) 

then add the extra closing bracket


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