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1 Oct 29, 2009 06:20    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have no clue what I've done...but...thought I had this skin close to being finished and have found that the profile page is not displaying at all. I'm sure it's stupid simple to fix but I have no clue where to begin.

blog is at

When you click to go to Profile in the'll see what's like the entire div disappears. Obviously the program doesn't know the code to show the profile display page and I have no clue how to tell it to do that.

Can someone please help me out?


2 Nov 12, 2009 23:30

Profile page is only visible to the logged in person, so no one else can see the problem. Anyway if I was you I would start by fixing some of the validation errors found on the page you linked. Dunno if any of them will help resolve the problem, but it sure won't hurt eh?

Also do a "view source" on your profile page to see if the content is actually there or not. If it is there then you have a css problem most likely, meaning somehow your style sheet is causing the content to not be displayed. If it is there then you have a problem in one of your .php files in your skin.

Oh hey switch back to one of the canned skins and see that your profile page actually shows up. That will test if your exact installation is capable of showing the profile page at all. Obviously if it can't then something outside your skin is broken. Once you know a canned skin can work then you know for sure it is your skin doing the damage.

3 Nov 12, 2009 23:30

Oh hey by the way I like the look you've created :)

4 Nov 13, 2009 22:52

Thanks for the comments. The problem was that I had neglected to call the profile display.

In reference to the validation. I know the pages don't validate. NONE of my pages validate if we're talking about b2evo blogs. My regular HTML pages all validate...including this skin...when uploaded without the php. I've asked and asked and asked about how to get b2evo to validate. No one will answer me. There are hundreds of pages associated with each blog and I have no idea where to begin. If someone who has successfully gotten a b2evo page to validate would give me a clue where to start I'd be eternally grateful. I generally touch nothing in the installation but the index.main page. So...if the index.main page validates as html...then the problem must be coming from the pages it's calling. Please correct me if that logic is wrong. AND please forgive me if I'm sounding testy but I'm just getting over 10-days of being sick with something and I hate it when everyone refers to the validation but no one has a solution. THANKS

5 Nov 14, 2009 12:50

Um... just because tiny little bits of a php file, the bits that happen to be html, validate doesn't mean that file validates. By the way the first three errors listed on that validation page come from the head section of your document. Most probably because you are not using b2evolution's method to generate the head section, but that wasn't your initial question right? So let's move on. What about the other two paths offered to resolution of this issue? I mean, with regard to validation I did say ... ah heck I'll just quote myself. EdB wrote:

Dunno if any of them will help resolve the problem, but it sure won't hurt eh?

What do you get when you view source on your profile page?

What happens when you use one of the canned skins?

6 Nov 21, 2009 02:46

Soooo...I spent some time this afternoon on my validation issues and got the errors from 80 ish down to 20. As you stated...and I suspected...most of these are in the hoping you'll take a moment to tell me what to do about this...I can't figure it out. BTW the ONLY changes I've made to the header file were made this afternoon...and did eliminate some 60 errors.

ERROR - Line 2, Column 84: end tag for "html" which is not finished
…lang="en-US-utf8" lang="en-US-utf8"/>

CODE - from above referenced page exactly as provided with installation (with the exception of the closing / which eliminates about 20 or the original messages - I'm assuming it was correct to add it)

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>" lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>"/>

Any help would be appreciated.

7 Nov 21, 2009 04:46

Hey have you got the profile issue resolved? Don't wanna lose track of what it's all about eh?

I notice when I do a view source on your page that there are two head and body sections. That's weird eh? I'll snip it down to the basics, and leave in another oddity. Your title tag is not working for some reason.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD blah blah blah >
<html xmlns=""  blah blah blah />

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<base href="" />
<title>&lt;?php // ------------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST 
	------------------------- request_title( array( 'auto_pilot' =&gt; 'seo_title', 
	) ); // ------------------------------ END OF REQUEST TITLE 
	----------------------------- ?&gt;</title>
<meta name="generator" content="b2evolution 3.3.1" />
<link rel="alternate" type=" blah blah blah " />
<link rel="alternate" type=" blah blah blah " />
<link rel="EditURI" type=" blah blah blah " />
<meta name="viewport" content="width = 750" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />


<div id="skin_wrapper" class="skin_wrapper_anonymous">
<!-- Start of skin_wrapper -->


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/effects.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/side-bar.js"></script>


<div id="mastercontainer">

 blah blah blah 
 blah blah blah 
 blah blah blah 




In case you don't have something similar, "Agent Ransack" is a free program that will search all files in a folder for a specific string of text. You might want to search your local copy for all instances of "<head>", then edit the files with it in there to include a comment "<head> <?-- this came from file/path/name.ext -->" to help figure out why you have 2 of those sections. I'm guessing once you find the source you'll find the solution to the multiple body tags as well.

The lack of php-ing on the title tag is weird. Hopefully in the process of solving the double-head double-body you'll also manage to make that weirdness go away.

8 Nov 21, 2009 06:25

Sorry...yes the profile display issue is fixed...I wasn't calling it...duh ;o/ So that is ok.

I'll work on the rest of this and see if I can figure out why I have two heads. It seems like every skin I do I end up with some new weird development.

I'll post back when I figure this out.

9 Nov 21, 2009 08:45

I just spent another couple of hours...and no matter what I do I cannot get these pages to validate.

There are too many pieces of code coming from too many files and each time I try to fix something it messes something else up.

Most of the problems seem to be coming from the file that generates the head...but can't for the life of me see what to do.

Not even sure why I'm working with php 'cause obviously I'm too uneducated or stupid to get it to work right. AND I never did find the duplicate <head> and <body>.

Thanks for trying to help.

10 Nov 21, 2009 09:36

Have you tried a different skin? If you use one of the canned skins (evopress, custom ... ) and the problem goes away then the problem in is your skins folder.

Here's a basic primer, just in case it helps, on how b2evo builds your page.

First it does a bunch of stuff to figure out enough to build your visitor's page. It knows to use the /skins/ folder AND which skin to use, so now it figures out if it will use a file in /skins/ or in /skins/yourskin/ folder. Basically it looks in /skins/yourskin/ for whatever it needs next, and if it doesn't find it then it looks in /skins/ instead. So /skins/ is the default and /skins/yourskin/ is custom stuff.

index.main.php is probably first and almost always exists in /skins/yourskin/ folder. Maybe posts.main.php or page.main.php or single.main.php but anyway *.main.php for sure. The first thing that file says to do is go get - which is all you need to make up the <head> section of the page. After that *.main.php might tell it to get but by then the <body> tag is opened so it's good old fashioned html from here on out.

Oh and all php does is write html for you. So if you look at lines of php it'll sorta make sense about what that bit does even if you don't know exactly how it does it. For example

<div class="top_menu top_menu_narrow">
		// ------------------------- "Menu" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
		// Display container and contents:
		skin_container( NT_('Menu'), array(
				// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
				'block_start' => '',
				'block_end' => '',
				'block_display_title' => false,
				'list_start' => '',
				'list_end' => '',
				'item_start' => '<li>',
				'item_end' => '</li>',
			) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF "Menu" CONTAINER -----------------------------

That mixes html with php to produce your "Menu" container. How it does it doesn't matter, but it sorta looks like that is what it wants to do.

Anyway really just change skins and see where the problem goes. That all by itself will tell you a lot about where the problem with the double-head double-body is coming from.

11 Nov 21, 2009 19:12 errors
Glossy Blue...ten errors
Miami errors
Terra errors errors errors

Just tried these skins...and still errors


12 Nov 21, 2009 21:41

But did any or all of them get rid of the double-head double-body issue?

IF any of those skins have the doubling error then the problem is in the /skins/ folder itself. IF all of those skins do not have the doubling error then the problem is in your /skins/CavazosHomeBLACK/ folder.

13 Nov 21, 2009 22:14

I'm finishing up three different versions of the skin for the client to approve/disapprove. Once he's made a choice then I have to set up his permanent I'm going to do a completely new install of b2evo...set up all his MANY different blogs and get the widgets going...and then move over the skin. I'm hoping this will help me find the issue. I'm so bloody frustrated!

14 Nov 21, 2009 22:22

Look I'm sorry but you're not answering questions. So here is my last attempt at working with you: DOES USING A CANNED SKIN GET RID OF THE DOUBLING ERROR? Simple yes or no eh?

16 Nov 21, 2009 23:31

Remove the "/" at the end of...

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"/>

It should be something like.....

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">

17 Nov 21, 2009 23:36

Ah that helps :)

The doubling problem shows up on your blog1 - the one linked in the first post. Therefore that problem is in your /skins/CavazosHomeBLACK/ folder. Most probably in your index.main.php file, but I can't access that file so I can't say for sure.

Check that file to see if you are adding a <head> section. Or compare it to the top section of the same file in your /skins/CavazosBLACK/ folder to see where there may be a bit that adds a second <head> section. Maybe a line that looks like it adds javascripts to a head? Because all the extra head has is three javascript files (and an extra body tag).

Yeah I still like that look. Real clean :)

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