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1 Feb 17, 2010 20:20    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.3

Hi, I'm currently getting the following error on my site

This is b2evolution version 3.3.3.

You cannot use the application before you finish configuration and installation.

MySQL error:

Incorrect information in file: './renosta1_bvlt1/evo_settings.frm'(Errno=1033)
Please use the installer to finish your configuration/installation now.

On most installations, the installer will probably be either here or here... (but I can't be sure since I have no config info available! :P)

The site was up and working fine yesterday and I'm not sure what caused this. I've had issues involving corrupt data in my MySQL database a few times now. Any ideas on what could cause issues like this to happen? Could this be on my server provider side? Also, does anyone have suggestions for ways to monitor when SQL issues causes the site to crash? I was thinking of putting in some php code to email me on the error screen.


2 Feb 18, 2010 20:14

So, I was unable to access my MySQL databases while at work so I had to drive home on my lunch break to see what was wrong. By the time I got home, the site was back up with no problems.

This is definently an issue with the MySQL databases. Does anyone think that this is because the host Im using is bad? Has anyone had a similar issue?

Any suggestions for a web hosting? Thanks!

4 Mar 01, 2010 00:13

For the error that results in the missing config page, I updated the conf_error_main.php file to the below. There was another error page as well though, that I would like to customize.

updated conf_error_main.php page:

 * This page displays an error message if the config is not done yet.
 * VERY IMPORTANT: this file should assume AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE
 * on what configuration is already done or not
 * Before calling this page, you must set:
 * - $error_message
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

global $app_name;
global $app_version;

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');

//update by boneill on 2/28/10
//email admin notifying them of the error 
$to = "";
$subject = "B2Evolution Error: Configuration missing";
$body = "The following b2Evolution error has occured".$error_message;
$headers = "From:\r\n"

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
		<title><?php echo $app_name ?> is not configured yet</title>
	<div style="background-color:#fee; border: 1px solid red; text-align:center; ">
		<h1> is currently experiencing some technical difficulties please come back soon!</h1>
		<center><img src=""></center>
		<p>The admin has <?php 
			if (mail($to, $subject, $body,$headers))
				echo("sucessfully been notified</p>");			}
				echo("not been sucessfully been notified! Please send an email to <a href=''></a> immediately!</p>");

<!-- Old Page
	<div style="background-color:#fee; border: 1px solid red; text-align:center; ">
		<p>This is <?php echo $app_name ?> version <?php echo $app_version ?>.</p>
		<p><strong>You cannot use the application before you finish configuration and installation.</strong></p>
		<div style="font-weight:bold; color:red;"><?php echo $error_message; ?></div>
		<p>Please use the installer to finish your configuration/installation now.</p>
		<p>On most installations, the installer will probably be either <a href="install/index.php">here</a> or <a href="../install/index.php">here</a>... (but I can't be sure since I have no config info available! :P)</p>

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