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1 Feb 18, 2010 12:07    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

At the moment when an user attaches an image to our blog, it is wrapped with a div element and a class attribute.

I had enabled the XHTML validation for users from the group settings, and this prevented the user from saving the post because of the css class.

Is there anyway to edit the settings which css styles are allowed as valid?

I have at the moment disabled the XHTML validation and only use basic security and also disabled the CSS filtering. But I would like to keep these on.

The first error is that when adding the image it can be inside a paragraph tag.

- This was fixed by removing the XHTML validation.

The second error was because the div element has a class attribute.

- This was fixed by removing the CSS validation.

I would like to allow the div class inside a p tag and also maybe allow the class attribute or even better just the needed class for the image. And still keep rest of the validations on.

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