2 edb Aug 30, 2004 21:53

Oh, I am soo sorry.
My URL is http://ulrica.org and to enter the blog, click on the
link saying Dagbok. If you try to comment on my post, you come to an error page.
I have not moved directories after installation.
My base URL in config is http://ulrica.org/dagboken where I keep all blog contents.
I haven't modified much at all, just some of the css-files, but not much at all in the config-files.. just adding my baseurls and database names as I should do in the config-file.
Your question about my visitors seeing admin, I don't quite follow you there, if I should be honest...
Hugs and thank you for reading my cry for help.
First the easy part. In the screen shot you highlighted how your visitors are seeing admin instead of a place to put their name. I just managed to get to your comments page and did not see admin - I saw the standard "name, email, website" fields. What happens is if someone is a member of your blog it will automatically fill in that it knows them. In your case it knows you are admin, so for YOU it shows "admin [member]".
Now the hard part. I visited your link and clicked where you said. Sure enough, I got an error when I clicked on comment. I then visited your base installation - the second URL you have here. That took me straight to the blog installation (without the framing thing, but I don't really *know* it's a frame - it only looks that way to me), but again clicking comment got me an error.
I then cheated. I found that when I manually added index.php THEN added the part that clicking on comment is supposed to add I could get to leave a comment. In other words http://ulrica.org/dagboken/index.php shows the same as http://ulrica.org/dagboken/ and both give the same error if I try to comment. BUT http://ulrica.org/dagboken/index.php?title=fotograf_i_farten&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1#comments lets me leave a comment the way one would want to. I cheated to make that URL - I did not simply click my way to it.
I wonder how your blog is set up in the back office on the "preferred access type" section? The truth is I can only ask about this without really understanding what choice might be the best for your application, but I think the answer to your problem is related to this selection. Option 1 means b2evo assumes index is the blog, option 2 means it will go by blog #, and option 3 means you have to create the stub file that you tell it to use.
If you selected option 3 did you actually create the stub files? If so did you tell it the correct path to find the stub file? I once set up a blog using option 2 but it took me forever to figure out exactly how to make it work. I always use option three now, but that's just what I got used to. I think you should look at that particular portion of your setup and try to see why it leaves out the "index.php" part. It seems once you figure that out your problems will be solved.
Hopefully this will help you experiment a little bit and find the answer, or else someone smarter than me will come along with a clear answer.
Hey nice photos too! Best of luck (and could someone smart please jump in here!!!)
There the problem was... in the backoffice!!! When I changed
to show the blog as index, it all worked just fine!!
You just got your star in heaven for this.
Hugs Ulrica
I have installed b2evo (Dawn) OK at www.blueexpanse.co.uk, I can post and administrate my blogs. However whenever someone goes to make a comment they get the following error:
Warning: Unknown(C:\Inetpub\vhosts\blueexpanse.co.uk\httpdocs\index.php\2005\10\08\all_moved_in): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Warning: (null)(): Failed opening 'C:\Inetpub\vhosts\blueexpanse.co.uk\httpdocs\index.php\2005\10\08\all_moved_in' for inclusion (include_path='.;./includes;./pear') in Unknown on line 0
:?: :?:
I do not know enough about the inner workings of b2evo to find out this problem. I have checked my settings for access options and they all seem fine.
Any ideas anyone
On your settings tab there is a checkbox for something like "use clean urls if your server supports it". Try unchecking it. I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot.
:D Thanks EdB - that has solved the problem - probably this windows host i am with.
Slightly off topic - how easy it is to move the entire blog to a different host? Is it just a case of moving the files and the database? Same directories etc.?
You should post a link to the site instead of a screen shot. What is your url? Have you moved directories after installation? What is your base_url in your config, and how have you set up your blogs? Where exactly do your visitors get to when they try to comment? Are your visitors seeing "admin", or are you? How much have you modified? Does your code still validate?