2 kiesow Mar 01, 2005 22:31

Im not familiar with writing plugins.
But it is not to hard, I guess, to change the code for it.
First Part
i already wrote a mod_rewrite (and posted on this site) for making stubfiles as subdomains automatically.
So that is the first part you need. and already finished !
The second part
is a hack in the registering of a user.
you have to check for uniqueness of the nickname/blogname from the user. if that check goes ok you copy the mysql part to the new name.
And copy a default blog to the new name.
The thirth and last part
Create default rights to the newly registred user.
Also this is possible through the mysql queries...
it can be that i see things the wrong way, so correct me if im wrong...
I worked it out a bit !
it is very easy i guess......
Below the steps for the plugin :
Requirements :
- my Mod_rewrite code.. (posted here on this site in plugin forum)
- a default user you will use as a default for copy userrights
- a default blog you will use as a default for the blog settings
- a default stub file [ I use ./stub/<stubfiles> ] for default layout for the
new blog....
Step 1
User register himself..
After he submits step 3,4 en 5 will be created...
Step 2
with a mysql query the new user will be created in EVO_USERS
through a copy of the default user.
Step 3
with a mysql query the new blog will be created in EVO_BLOGS
through a copy of the default blog.
Step 4
with a mysql query the new blog_user will be created in EVO_BLOGUSERS
The field BlogUsers_blog_ID is the ID from the just create blog in EVO_BLOGS.
The field BlogUsers_user_ID is the ID from the just create user in EVO_USERS.
Step 5
Copy the default stubfile to the new stubfile
Work it out !
maybe it is safer that when a user register himself, not everything goes automatically, because else generator will float your server.
So when a user register himself he have to enter a random code, as you see with other registering services, and then he get a confirm email in his email-box where he/she can confirm the registration.
If someone is interested in this idea or is willing to help please reply to this topic because i am not familiar with writing plugins.
I certainly know how to hack b2evolution, but it is not the nicest way...
I think iit is very strangen that people want this and nobody replies to this topic.
If there are no replies on this topic, I think i dont give my hack on this forum.
Let me make my self clear :
A plugin is more neat than a lousy hack in the system !
If nobody replies in this topic anymore then i think that nobody is interested in the idea, so it is better then to close this topic...
I'm shure people are interessted, but maybe they don't want all the hassle. (I'm not one of them, I don't need this kind of advanced stuff (yet))
I don't blame you for wiling to keep the code/hack/plugin for yourself.
Have you thought of joining the devteam ?
You can then putin the code in cvs...
Just a though...
Some way of automating giving users a blog when they sign up would be very useful
ok, i will give it a try.
It will be a hack.
My life is full of adjustments in several scripts.
So it will take a while before i finish it i guess.
But i do my best...
I will post in here then the full installation/hacking guide.
I'm interesting for a hack like this.
Need some help ?
I'm interested in this but I cant code so I cant contribute
any help is welcome for this hack because i am very busy lately in my private life and work...
i got less time.
The way to handle i already posted in this topic.
I guess that is the best way of handling it.
Maybe the help can be wich files we have to apply the hack.
My idea was to create a default user that is not able to logging or something.
then we can copy that user with a simple mysql query.
and adjust the user rights after that.
But before we do that we have to hack the file/functions that does the registration part.
In that part i want to use gd as image creator to create a random number new users have to enter at registration. [ like you see at other registration services ]
Because if we dont do that the system can be floaded by generators and we dont want that. Maybe someone in this forum already did it and we can use it.... we have to search in this forum for it...
When the registration is entered and the user had entered his nickname that will be also the blogname, there must first be a check if that name is not already taken.
If it is free, then we do just like the user part also a copy of a default blog.
first the user and then the blog. because of the way of linking the 2 in several tables.
So at that point the new user is created and also the new blog.
Then we have to copy a default stub file to the new stub file for the new blog.
I think this is the line we have to follow.
For the people who will help shoot, so we can discuss it here so each one who will help will understand how it works.
If i got the time i think i can fix this very quickly, but unfortunately i am terribly busy at working at my house and things on my work.
I am willing to explain things if people need a hand....
thnx for the advise.
I am interested in it very much.
I think there is much more in b2evolution to make it better than it already is.
I do in my own scripting a lot of tweaking and tricks to make things work.
If i only got the time to finish things :-/
I do not sign up right now.
But in this forum you will see me more often and i will make some usefull things i guess.
hope to work together in future times
en ik spreek nederlands hoor
Raptor, Ik weet dat je nederlands spreeks, dat zag ik in je eigen studentenlog.
Maar dit was in het Engelstalig gedeelte, dan antwoord ik in (gebrekkig ?) engels ;)
i was just testing a bit if it could work.
and it did..
[ still very busy, but was curious to make it work etc etc ]
it is far from finished, but maybe you can give me some directions or ideas. for instance i use stub-files [ location ./stub/ ]
also it doesn't create a stub file or the static file.
I think i have to study the code for that part how stub files are created.
we have to make confirms, chekcs for dubplicates, disable use ability in admin panel and so on. but it is possible and so hard to do...
Hey guys.
I am almost finished.
in this forum I also posted a answer how to use stub files as subdomain through a simple mod_rewrite in the typed url [ by the viewer of the blog ]
Like : www.blogsite.com/stub_file will be
yess very cool, just like blogger/blogspot...
so also found in this forum a lot, and i mean A LOT of questions how stub files can be hold in a subdirectory and not in de root of the blogsite.
Very simpel... put it in a subfolder and change this line [ in your stub files ]:
into :
for automatic registration service we have to make it automatically.
so we will use a default stub file and copy this to the new stub file with the good settings for the new stub..
it sounds maybe very weird for you, but if you see the final code and the explanation you will understand.
If there are programmers who read this and want to help, I need a little php script with the gd library who will create a random code as a cool picture. so we can use that as a secure part in the registration to avoid spamming our blogsite when users registrate etc etc.
till later,
I am super-interested in this mod. Would this http://www.cocoavillagepublishing.com/development/tools/php/scripts/ help?
I could also look at what phpbb uses.
Hello, I've been following this post here. I just installed b2 and was specifically needing to have users set-up their own blogs. I have looked through b2 and it looks very very nice, but I already have sevewral blogs, I am trying to establish blogging for others. I was testing BlogHoster, and it looks good, but pricey. I was hoping to find a solution like phpBB is for forums. b2 is a very very nice system, if this could work I would use it. But, I'm trying to get my services up right away. Let me know how progress is coming on your plug-in or mod. Thanks.
Any update on this topic? (best of luck in any case.) I'm searching for the same/similar things.
Related topics (that I started), for what it's worth:
Hello Raptor,
I have been following the post here and wanted to say that this mod or plugin is desperately needed.
I am a longtime user and admin of phpbb forum software like this board here runs on. They have extensive mods that are well documented for users to apply and improve their implementation. I think that would be a good source to look at for how to implement the image verification on new accounts. That is needed too, without that, the robots will create bogus blogs all day.
I will be glad to pay a paypal donation for $100 to you if you can get that going for me. I know that is taking some work for you and if you get this working, I would gladly send you a little $ via paypal. Please give us a status update and let us know what we can do to help. This is a very important mod that anyone wanting to allow others to blog need. Without this, b2 is simply a personal blog solution and has lacking the real firepower to enable others to blog as they wish.
for now i am first fixing the automatic registering service..
Like i mentioned earlier i am using stub files in a subdir which would be accessed as a subdomain automatically by a mod_rewrite..
So far it is working already..
[ not at my www.studentenlog.nl but at my development ]
I hope that what i try to create is something you also can use...
For what I understand is that you want the full part i am creating right now.
In real life i work i am totally busy with other scripts.
for myself but also for others..
For now it looks almost finished, but it is far from that point i guess.
I am using a so far it goes the code from b2evo and i dont know what your skills are but i can give soon a demonstration on my board...
but if we do that, i think it is much better that we do that if also the use of the gd-library is included. That is not a hard part i guess.
But because of my busy life i hope i finish a little demo soon of it...
Bravajo also thanks for your help.
I guess that is what we need for the random code as a generated picture during registration.
I will try that soon...
by the way... i understand now that it is very needed, but dont understand
that i am the first who probably will finish it..
the way I see it, it is dead simpel to create.
The only part is that it is a lot of work for me to find out how some parts are working together in b2evo...
I see that people are willing to pay.
In my opinion a donation is nice if you people like afterwards what i created.
If so, you then can donate on www.eigenplekje.nl but for now first wait and see... I will do my very best and are open for any ideas
devo and others,
i already created a very little demo how it will work.
[ it is way from finished but already working as promised ]
go to http://demo.eigenplekje.nl
here you can register yourself..
After registration for now you can already log in.
I took for the demo the nickname/username as subdomain.
So after you registered yourself for example with a name like devo.
you can access your new blog as devo.demo.eigenplekje.nl
[ it will ask you to login afterwards, but you can type already the new url in the browser to see ]
aint life cool or what ?! hehehehe
tell me what you think for now.
The use of gd library is the next step [ to prevent generators/robots floating the site ]
then some layout fixing like blogger.com
I added th random/verification code.
For now of course it doesn't work[meaning there is no validation what you are typing], but it will give you an idea how it will be.
random code for verification is also working.
I added also a "terms of service".
With this you can link to terms of service i thought.
dont know yet if it is neccesary etc..
raptor wrote:
devo and others,
i already created a very little demo how it will work.
[ it is way from finished but already working as promised ]go to http://demo.eigenplekje.nl
here you can register yourself..After registration for now you can already log in.
I took for the demo the nickname/username as subdomain.
So after you registered yourself for example with a name like devo.
you can access your new blog as devo.demo.eigenplekje.nl
[ it will ask you to login afterwards, but you can type already the new url in the browser to see ]aint life cool or what ?! hehehehe
tell me what you think for now.
The use of gd library is the next step [ to prevent generators/robots floating the site ]
then some layout fixing like blogger.com
i am interested in the subdomain part..... how can i do it with my b2?thx
very interesting project..
Keep up the good work!
hello raptor,
this is very nice - could you please give out some details of your work?
As you can see at www.bloggah.nl it looks like finished, but it is way from that.
So he answer : It is still in test, but also LIVE !
Meaning : Dont fool around with dumb blog creations within you ASK my help !
The earlier mentioned test-areas are removed.
The only part is bloggah.nl
So if you create a blog, use it and dont create crap :>
I got several problems i try to fix :
- when you login for you own blog, it goes to b2edit.php
But with the blog_id of the default blog. So you get an answer you cant post. Clicking on the weblogs tab fixes this. I tried to fix this the right way but got everytime into other serious problems.
Conclusion : Still busy with it..
- simpel.bloggah.nl works of course.
Till you click 1 of the links in that blog.
Then the url becomes = "http://www.bloggah.nl/stub/simpel.php?blog=19"
Conclusion : No solution till now
- Referars in every blog show also their own blog as referer.
I tried to fix his part in the .htaccess file, but it still goes on.
I cant fix it.
Conclusion : Still no solution
So you guys, I do my very best and got more time for the script now,
but it is a lot of difficult work. O course, if it was easy, it was already posted heheheheh
Keep up the good work! Thank you for your effort. It is appreciated.
Any news? This plugin/hack would be sooo sweet :)
I haven't worked with PHP before... Therefore I need someone to setup my site to handle multible users...
The functions should be:
A signup now feature, where new users can create their own blog instantly. On signup, an e-mail should be sent to the new user, with an activation link, that must be clicked before the user can access the admin part of his blog.
The url for the blog should be: username.domain.com or www.domain.com/username.
I am willing to pay for this solution, so if you wanna make it, please let me know your price.
Any news?
any updates here raptor?
there is no easy way for this