2 village_idiot Apr 04, 2005 20:28

Thank you a lot! I'm already waiting for it :)
$oneday = 04; // Day of the countdown
$onemonth = 11; // Month of the countdown
$oneyear = 2008; // Year of the countdown
print ( "<p class=\"foot\">Only". (int)((mktime (0,0,0,$onemonth,$oneday,$oneyear) - time(void))/86400) . " days until Election day 2008</p>");
thats what you see on my footer :)
if you need more than one like your example page.. change the variable names ...
or something similar that you'll understand..
I could have used :
for example...
Thank you, whoo! I'll use it as soon as possible :)
It doesn't work for me, I get an error :
Parser error: not well-formed (invalid token) near <body>< ?
$oneday = 04; /
thats easy, check the bottom of my blog -- when im done losing my ass at texas-holdem ill throw the code up for you