2 edb Aug 31, 2005 23:52
Oh I see I have confused private posts with protected posts.
also, I thought about what I want to do and once again I was complicating things.
The only thing I'd like to change is to make it so my blog_all only shows "publicated" posts and to make it stop showing "protected" posts, since right now it shows all "publicated" and "protected" posts from all blogs.
So how to make it so my blog_all stops showing "protected" posts ? Or in which file to do the changes, if you dont know how exactly ?
but the protected posts are only visible for the members.. you know that ?
so if nobody is member of blog all, they won't see the protected posts...
Thanks a lot Topanga, that's the answer I have been looking for :D.
I thought being a member of Blog X would allow you to see protected posts from Blog X on the Blog_all ... didnt think you'd have to be a member of Blog_all to see them.
So this case is solved, I'll make everyone member of every blog, except Blog_all.
I dont even need to hack, yay !
I can't really say which specific file does the analysis to decide which posts to display, but I think you might be missing something about post statuses in general. Public is for all the world to see - everyone knows that. Draft is for the author to see on the edit tab - easy. Private and Protected are the odd ones. Private is for you and you alone, but you have to be logged in to see them. Protected is for members of the blog to see, but they have to be logged in to see them. Not just registered users in your blog - they have to be made a member of the blog on the blogs tab||select blog||permissions tab. As far as I know blog 1 doesn't do anything different with these rules - it's just a matter of (a) are you logged in and (b) if you are logged in are you a member of the blog the post is in.
To test this make a public and a protected and a private post, then log out and see what you get. Next create a new user on your blog but don't make them members of any specific blog. Log in as the new user and see what you get. Finally, go back in as admin and make the new user a member of the blog with the protected and private posts. Log in as the new user again and see what you get.
When I had a multiblogger environment running it was the hardest thing for me to explain to my users. I finally learned the best way was a demonstration like I just described.
Hey if you do the tests report back here so anything I'm saying that's wrong gets straightened out!
PS: Deprecated is so you can remove old stuff from ever displaying again without actually deleting the post. Its another oddball post type eh?