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1 Sep 17, 2005 21:42    

I have create several blogs set one as "Default blog on index.php". But I found when I post in other blogs it will also desplays in the default blog. My question is can I forbid other posts to deplay in the main blog but their own? I dont to show every post in my main blog page. Thanks.

2 Sep 17, 2005 21:50

Maybe I should make it more clear.
For example, I post a test in my blog "BlogChina", but I found it displaying on my main blog "BlogGlobal" as well. How can i do if i just want it displayed on the "BlogChina"?
Here is my blog's address:

3 Sep 17, 2005 22:02

Blog 1 (aka blog all) is designed to display post from all blogs. Make a new blog for 'blog global' and make it the default blog


4 Sep 18, 2005 00:13

OK, I'll try that one. Thanks!
but what can i do with Blog 1? drop it?

5 Sep 18, 2005 00:20

Nope. It can't go byebye - that's a rule. What you do is in your blogs tab select it and uncheck the box for "include in bloglist". That way people won't know it's there.

6 Sep 18, 2005 00:29

Now the problem got solved. Thanks you two!

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