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1 Oct 23, 2005 06:07    

I've been searching through the forums and i couldn't find a way to do this. I have B2evo installed in a folder. I want to display a summary of recent posts or maybe even just the recent post from the blogs on the main page. basically i want to put a little bit of what's going on in the blogs in a section of my main page. is there a function i can call or a page i can just include in the code for my main page. BTW the main page is in PHP so i should be able to code in whatever is needed.

Thanks in advance

2 Oct 23, 2005 15:41

In the /blogs folder (or your base url) there is a file called summary.php which does most of what you're looking for. I'd play with that for a while and see if you can get it do what you're after.

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