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1 Dec 14, 2005 18:19    


I have a b2evolution setup that I've been put in charge of managing... and the userbase has grown to over 16k blogs. Now from my current understanding, each user has their own blog, own stubfile, and own 'Posts' category.

Now whenever the cat_load_cache() function is called from _functions_cats.php, it exhausts the 62M of php memory and crashes the script.. because it's trying to cache 16k+ categories.

Now I'm assuming something was setup wrong along the way here... should I be able to have 1 'General Posts' category that can be shared by all blogs but only seen on each individual blog? Each category seems to be linked to a blog directly in the evo_categories table... so I'm not sure.

Anyone have any tips or know of any workarounds for this?



2 Dec 15, 2005 18:50

1. Upgrade to dawn. Can't say for sure it's got a happier cache deal, but it saves your server in several other directions so that's a win.

2. Consider splitting the database in half then linking the second as a blog of the original and the original as a blog of the second.

I'm sure you've got a linkback to b2evolution on your blog so it's okay that you didn't provide a link to it...

3 Dec 15, 2005 19:26

Hey EdB,

Thanks for the reply. I'm not the person who installed nor configured this version of b2evo.. just the one who's supposed to clean up the aftermath...heh.

1. I'll take a look at dawn and see if this will be a possible upgrade

2. I'm not sure what you mean by split the database.. can you elaborate on that please?

As for the linkback I haven't actually looked for it to be honest. I don't see it posted as a requirement in the terms and conditions or license... is this something that is required? What is the content of the linkback supposed to be exactly?



4 Dec 15, 2005 19:44

The linkback is completely optional given that it is an open source product. The thing is here in the forums we can be bugs about saying "you want help but don't give credit?" and not bother answering questions. Does that make sense? Linkback refers to a text or button link to in your _main.php file. Each skin starts with one, which means anyone who doesn't have it took the time to take it out. THAT IS COMPLETELY LEGAL, but as I said: it doesn't really drive people here to answer questions...

Splitting the database is pretty simple, but you have to decide on what logical lines to split it. Basically duplicate your entire installation in a folder including a copy of the database. Then delete half the blogs and users from one install and dbase, and the other half from the other half. The complicated part is doing it in such a way that the users don't get all cranky about the fallout from such an operation...

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