Recent Topics

1 Jan 03, 2006 18:47    

I was wondering if it is possible to change the layout of the blog. Currently, I can choose the number of topics to display per page.
What I would like to do is have the Topic Title, a breif paragraph on the topic (maybe the first 5 lines or so) and then the next topic. When someone clicks on the topic, it takes them to the full story (similar to the way online newspapers do it).
It is a little combersome to have to scroll through pages and pages of stuff to find a story of interest.

1000 Lakes Challenge
Today we headed out to lake what's its name at around 3:30 am. It was pretty cool with a temperature of about -5....(click to read more)

Something like that... that way I could put all the topics on a few pages. I could do it with phpBB but I like the feeling of the blog I currently have.


2 Jan 03, 2006 20:02

You have to use the "more" button when you write your text.
It's explained in the origional post in your weblog

EDIT: I now had the time to look for you... to be exactly.. the button you have to use when writing a message is the "!M" button. this can be found under the LINK TO URL box

3 Jan 05, 2006 15:53

Juzz thanks for pointing that out!! It has worked wonders and now I am very pleased with the way things are looking!!


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