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1 Jan 08, 2006 15:28    

I have read quite a deal about blogware reasent days. ...but reading isn't allways knowing. My future weblog will probably have this characteristics:
...I write daily so it will be used.

# much txt. few or no images
# many long (~1 full page) articles of (hopingly) long term interest
# search and index is vital
# reader comments
# some news and short term debate

Please help me understand this. comparing primarily Wordpress, b2evolution, Textpattern and SPIP (links below). All free.

1. A rather serious review stated that Textpattern make it easier to cathegorise text compared to WordPress. Why is that (correct?) ?

2. Is there any problem with bugs, upkeeping and /or installing any of thiese applications?

3. How many mySQL-db's is nesessary to get full blogware power?

4. Which is the "strong side" (or weakneses) in this software

5. Is there any other tool that should be regarded according to my needs (above) ?

6. Is the comments function in thiese applications good enough, or is it better to install some free php-forum?

7. Where is the magical limit where the choice should fall on generic site tools as Drupal?


2 Jan 08, 2006 20:29

verbalstuntman wrote:

1. A rather serious review stated that Textpattern make it easier to cathegorise text compared to WordPress. Why is that (correct?) ?

You will have to ask Textpattern and WordPress that question.

verbalstuntman wrote:

2. Is there any problem with bugs, upkeeping and /or installing any of thiese applications?

Yes of course. There are and always will be bugs and upkeep issues. Each blog app figures out it's own way of dealing with them. Generally bugs in b2evolution are dealt with by (a) people sharing a hack in the forums and (b) squashing the bug in the next release. Upgrading b2evolution is a no-brainer unless you've done lots of hacking to the core code. As long as you keep your changes to your skin then it's almost always super-easy to make your old skin compatible with the next release. Note that going from .9.1 to the 1.6 ALPHA release actually takes a bit of skin work to get 'er done. I've been using b2evolution since way back in the .8.* days and this is the ONLY time I've had to do half an hour's work to make my skins upgrade.

verbalstuntman wrote:

3. How many mySQL-db's is nesessary to get full blogware power?

Ask the others for how they work, but b2evolution needs ONE database. You can actually have multiple installations of b2evolution in that one database but you would have to change one of the variables in one of the configuration files to do that. A while back I opted to split out my blog into 3 databases and am now merging them all back together, but that's only because I'm playing with the latest and greatest from CVS. I figure if I'm going to tinker with unproven unofficial code then I might as well bet the farm on it working
verbalstuntman wrote:

4. Which is the "strong side" (or weakneses) in this software

Again ask each maker to do their own brag-up, but I can tell you something about b2evolution. First off, straight out of the box it allows multiple blogs and multiple bloggers. It also allows multiple categories in each blog and multiple subcategories in each category. If you want to get way fancy you can even post in multiple categories (or subcategories) across multiple blogs. This gives you wicked phat options when it comes time to decide exactly how you want your post findable by the outside world. Oh and b2evolution's blog #1 is an aggregator blog meaning all posts from all blogs always show up in blog #1. It's weird for a lot of people who don't read the documentation, but once you're hip to the idea is a pretty slick trick to take advantage of.

verbalstuntman wrote:

5. Is there any other tool that should be regarded according to my needs (above) ?

Nope. Tinker with all the others then decide if you're a smart person or a dummy. After you recognize that you are uniquely intelligent you'll delete the low level players and go with b2evo.

verbalstuntman wrote:

6. Is the comments function in thiese applications good enough, or is it better to install some free php-forum?

Comments and forums are different animals. As a general rule, and I'm no expert on this, but as a general rule comments are for the audience to applaud the speaker. forums are for participants to engage in discussion. I just set up a multiblogger application and also set up a phpbb forum for the people who register on my blog. That way the bloggers can talk amongst themselves without having to post and/or comment just to engage in dialog.

verbalstuntman wrote:

7. Where is the magical limit where the choice should fall on generic site tools as Drupal?

I think that's really dependent on your purposes more than any 'limit'. I briefly considered going with drupal because as a rule I don't blog. Drupal seems well suited to a web that's not going to change much AND can have lots of neato stuff besides a content management system. I opted to stay with b2evo because I'm too lazy to learn new things. One day perhaps, but I dunno. I sure won't ever bother wasting my time learning a lesser blog engine! Multiblog has ALWAYS been a feature I've taken advantage of, and I've used multiblogger in a couple of applications now.

3 Jan 09, 2006 00:58

Tnx for u're serious answer! I will digest that a while...

.... What would the traffic need (in GB ) to be for 1000 visits at a mid sized, most text blog? Normal value?

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