2 nate Mar 02, 2006 05:07

OK, my next question was going to be how to eliminate the word count from all blog posts (my real blog, some of my posts are long so I don't want to scare people from reading them). It seeems like _main.php is the way to do it.
Is there some sort of central repository of knowledge on how to edit this main.php file?
Thanks much.
Not really a central repository, but there are lots of threads here on the forums about adding or removing or altering your _main.php. If you open it up and poke around it's pretty well commented on within the file, and most of it follows in sequential order down the main part of your page then down the sidebar and then to the footer, so it's usually not too hard to find the part you're looking for.
Trial and error works very well for me...just be sure you're able to undo your changes if you mess it up badly. :)
Ok, have a look now, I applied some of the changes by modifying _main.php:
I have not been able to make the main text of the blog uncentered. I think that has to be done via the CSS stylesheet on that particular skin. Am I right?
As you can see, I have a link on the word "Tigger" on today's post. But I muffed it up and linked to this very thread you see, instead of the permalink which is my very first post on the blog.
Unfortunately, for some reason, there is no way to use b2evo 1.6 alpha to call back up your old posts and edit them. Every time I try, it won't give me any search results because it wants to look for posts in the year 1969.
Yes, I know, it's in Alpha stage. I will not use Alpha stage software when it comes time to apply this to my real blog.
The centering error is right here:
<div align='center'><script src='http://www.janhost.com/category3/ads.php' type=text/javascript></div></script>
You need to move your closing div tag outside of the closing script tag like this:
<div align='center'><script src='http://www.janhost.com/category3/ads.php' type=text/javascript></script></div>
That should do it....
....Which I don't see in _main.php or classic.css.
If you're saying that it's part of the source code in index.html, I don't know how to access that HTML file. And as it is, it would seem like one should be able to adjust that either by playing with a .php or .css file, or having an easy option to do so on b2evo.
Is it possible this is being added by your webhost? If it's not in _main.php and you didn't add that code there then it's probably not part of the skin at all and coming from elsewhere automatically. Is that code placed on any of your other pages outside of your b2e installation?
If you can't get rid of it you could try putting a closed div tag right in front of your pageheader code like this:
</div><div class="pageHeader">
I'm not sure that will work, but it might.
I bet you're right. It doesn't make sense.
As you can see, I took out some space with a free provider that happens to offer PHP/mySQL just to cut my teeth on b2evo. My real ISP probably won't play these games.
I think I found either a bug with 1.6a or a server problem. I told b2evo to throw anything older than 3 days old into archives, i.e. show only three days of posts on the front. (With my real blog, I will want to do it that way). But voila, today, it hasn't archived the fourth-day old (March 1) posts.
Probably not a bug, and certainly not related to this thread. See what happens when the posts get to be 3x24 hours old cuz I'm pretty sure it goes by actual full complete time stamp and not just the calendar day. Dunno though. Worth checking in a few hours eh?
The answer to almost all your questions lies in the _main.php file in your blog's skin folder. Open it up in an editor and you'll see most of the sections of your page which you want to alter/remove.
1. Edit _main.php and remove.
2. I see the following code when I view the source of your page:
I'd get rid of that "align='center'" part.
3. Edit _main.php, look in the sidebar section for Linkblog and change it to whatever you want.
4. I have no idea.
5. Edit _main.php and remove.
6. Edit _main.php and remove.
Hope that helps...